Stefanie Dühr will give a seminar on “Obstacles to cross-border cooperation on spatial planning” as part of the SPS seminar series on Friday 15 December at 13;00 in room 01 West 060 (Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft).

Stefanie is Professor of European Spatial Planning Systems at the Nijmegen School of Management of the Radboud University. She is also a Visiting Professor at TU Delft’s Department of Urbanism. Stefanie is an expert in the European dimension of spatial planning and has experience in the comparison of planning systems across Europe. Much of her previous work has focused on the governance arrangements and politics of cooperation across large transnational spaces. She has a particular interest in the communicative potential and power of maps in different spatial planning cultures, employing a social-constructivist perspective. Stefanie has furthermore experience with the management of European territorial cooperation programmes and projects (ERDF), their evaluation and the development of operational programmes.

Obstacles to cross-border cooperation on spatial planning

Abstract: “The EU’s objective of territorial cohesion has been commonly interpreted as ensuring equal access to services and infrastructure across the European Union. This is placing particular attention on the provision of cross-border facilities in the areas of public transport, education, health, emergency response or water management, as these could greatly improve the living conditions of residents in border regions. Yet, even after many decades of EU financial support for cross-border cooperation and available legal frameworks to support cooperation between public authorities, many barriers to cross-border spatial planning and implementation continue to exist. In this seminar, I would like to present an ongoing project for the German government to prepare the EU Council Presidency in 2020, and in particular discuss preliminary project findings on the main obstacles to cross-border cooperation on spatial planning that public authorities along Germany’s external borders encounter”.

Stefanie Dühr, Professor of European Spatial Planning Systems, Radboud University Nijmegen





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