Speaker: Esther González-González, University of Cantabria

Topic: Autonomous vehicles & the city of tomorrow

Room: OO West 64

Date: Tuesday 6 March, 12:30-13:30

Abstract: Automated Vehicles (AV) would undoubtedly have a great and significant impact on urban mobility, urbanisation patterns and the quality and use of urban space within the next 30-50 years. A key question is which directions this technology will affect urbanisation patterns and the attractiveness of the city. On one hand, this new flexible, inclusive and sustainable transportation system have the potential to reduce the number of vehicles and the parking demand in the city, creating the opportunity for more free areas. On the other, this disruptive

transportation could promote car-dependence increase, sprawl intensification, health deterioration (inactivity) or public transport decline. This seminar tries to provide first insights about whether and how AVs can deliver desirable patterns of urban development in the long term.

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