Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Our 2019 group photo

Our 2019 group photo

This is our group in 2019 with our vision for the future. In 2019 Professor Vincent Nadin has left the section, as he retired. For information about our group, please write to spatial planning-BK@tudelft.nl
Book Celebrating Spatial Planning at TU Delft

Book Celebrating Spatial Planning at TU Delft

On the occasion of Professor Vincent Nadin’s retirement after 11 years at TU Delft, the section Spatial Planning and Strategy launched a book celebrating Vincent’s time as head of the section and later a head of department. This book is a compilation of all our activities during those eleven years....
SPS is part of the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft

SPS is part of the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft

SPS is part of the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft. Click on the logo to go to the official website of the Department of Urbanism Urbanism The Department of Urbanism in the Faculty of Architecture at Delft University of Technology...


  The chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy promotes activities concerning International Urban Development. This concerns mostly issues of urban development in the Global South. This includes (but is not limited to) urban management, housing, informal urbanisation, governance, resources management, territorial management, urban emergencies, among other topics concerning the built environment in the Global...
Join our Facebook group! 5000+ people have done so!

Join our Facebook group! 5000+ people have done so!

5000+ people have joined our group on Facebook since its creation. That is the space we use to comment on current events, to discuss books and papers and to share the social life of the chair.Go to our Facebook group page by clicking HERE!  
500+ people have joined our LinkeIN group so far. You can also join!

500+ people have joined our LinkeIN group so far. You can also join!

Click here for our LinkedIN Group. Our LinkedIN Group has 500+ people as of October 2012. Join us for updates and announcements.
Welcome to the BLOG Spatial Planning and Strategy of the Delft University of Technology

Welcome to the BLOG Spatial Planning and Strategy of the Delft University of Technology

  Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University of Technology led by Professor Wil Zonneveld. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools – visions, strategies, plans and programmes. We are particularly...
Latest entries
RSA Winter Conference: Call for abstracts on circular cities and regions

RSA Winter Conference: Call for abstracts on circular cities and regions

Marcin Dąbrowski, together with the RSA Policy Expo project partners, Karel van den Berghe (MBE, BK, TUD), Joanna Williams (Bartlett, UCL), and Ellen van Bueren (MBE, BK, TUD), organise a special session on circular cities and regions at the 2022 Regional Studies Association’s Winter Conference 2022 in London. Call for abstracts is now open: SS05:...
New paper: Community Placemaking in Taiwanese Social Housing Management

New paper: Community Placemaking in Taiwanese Social Housing Management

This new article, by Hsinko Cinco Yu , Tsai-Hung Lin & Marcin Dąbrowski,  investigates the potential of placemaking for stimulating active engagement of tenants in management of social housing and its shared spaces in Taipei. Being part of a forthcoming special issue of Planning Practice and Research on policy transfer in planning and urban policies,...
New article by Gregory Bracken

New article by Gregory Bracken

The new issue of the IIAS Newsletter (#92) has an article outlining my experiences as an editor: https://www.iias.asia/the-newsletter/article/editors-desk
Article by Yaqi Wang, Rodrigo Cardoso and Claudiu Forgaci on Urban Pandemic Vulnerability

Article by Yaqi Wang, Rodrigo Cardoso and Claudiu Forgaci on Urban Pandemic Vulnerability

Former Urbanism master student Yaqi Wang, together with her mentors Rodrigo Cardoso and Claudiu Forgaci, has turned her graduation thesis into a research paper, now published in a special issue of Sustainability. In this research, Yaqi, Rodrigo and Claudiu propose a new definition of ‘urban pandemic vulnerability’ to understand how pandemics affect cities and how...
New article by Rodrigo Cardoso on secondary city demography in UK city-regions

New article by Rodrigo Cardoso on secondary city demography in UK city-regions

Is it possible to trace meaningful distinctions between small and medium-sized cities based only on their population profile? What is the relevance of population composition compared to population size and growth, and how do these cities differ among each other and from core cities in a context of demographic redistribution and socioeconomic imbalances in UK...
SPS Seminar - Peri-urban China: Spatial Governance and Traditional Culture

SPS Seminar – Peri-urban China: Spatial Governance and Traditional Culture

Thursday 30 June 2022, 12.30-13.45 (on campus and online) Please register HERE. In this seminar, Yaqi Yan (Tsinghua University) and Diwen Tan (TU Delft) present the spatial transformation of peri-urban areas in China in different regions and from perspectives. One case from northern China focuses on local governance; the other from southern China focuses on...
Gregory Bracken's article on Asian cities

Gregory Bracken’s article on Asian cities

A review article by Gregory Bracken was published in the Journal of Urban History (in February): ‘Asian Cities: Armature, Enclave, Heterotopia’: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00961442211026277
Online exhibition R&D studio Spatial Strategies for the Global Metropolis

Online exhibition R&D studio Spatial Strategies for the Global Metropolis

Online exhibition R&D studio Spatial Strategies for the Global Metropolis (AR2U086 & AR2U088), part of MSc Urbanism, Delft University of Technology, organised by Verena Balz and Qu Lei.   We proudly present results of the Research & Design studio Spatial Strategies for the Global Metropolis, part of the MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences/Track Urbanism...
New article by Gregory Bracken on Modernism and Creativity in the Built Environment

New article by Gregory Bracken on Modernism and Creativity in the Built Environment

Asian Independence: Notes on Modernism and Creativity in the Built Environment’ is in the Journal of Urban History https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00961442221084718
New article by Luiz Carvalho:  Urban Analytics and City Science: Understanding the ramifications of segregation in the urban form in Brazilian cities

New article by Luiz Carvalho: Urban Analytics and City Science: Understanding the ramifications of segregation in the urban form in Brazilian cities

New article in Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science: understanding the ramifications of segregation in the urban form in Brazilian cities. A new article published as part of the PhD research of Luiz Carvalho Filho has been published in Environment and Planning B. The paper is available HERE. The paper was developed...
Complexity for Urbanism & Spatial Planning: lecture by Sharon Wohl (Iowa State University)

Complexity for Urbanism & Spatial Planning: lecture by Sharon Wohl (Iowa State University)

This two-part Seminar offers an introduction to principles of Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) and their relevance for the built environment. Complex Adaptive System theory is the approach used to explain a vast array of systems that involve interacting agents – ants in a colony, cells in an organism, or birds in a flock. These systems...
New paper in Cities: a historical perspective on the thorny relationship between spatial planning and flood risk management

New paper in Cities: a historical perspective on the thorny relationship between spatial planning and flood risk management

New paper based on the PhD thesis of Meng Meng (formerly at TUD, now at SCUT), has just been accepted for publication in Cities. It is available here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.103702 This paper co-authored by Meng Meng, Marcin Dąbrowski, Liang Xiong and Dominic Stead explores the historical experience of Guangzhou’s spatial planning system striving for flood resilience...