Andrea Faludi holds a copy of the book “The Poverty of Territorialism”.

Readers of this blog may remember my reports of progress throughout the year in writing ‘The Poverty of Territorialism’. I am glad to be able to say, whilst in Vienna lecturing, I received my one and so far only copy of the book so far. The picture shows me holding it in my hands in my temporary quarters.

Meanwhile, I have also been able to give a keynote speech at the recent ESPON seminar organised by the Austrian Presidency of the European Council on 5 December. At the festive dinner in the evening Sankt Nikolaus (Austrian Version of the Dutch Sinterklaas) awarded me medal for this.


You may notice in the second picture that Sankt Nikolaus is being assisted by the devil himself (called Krampus in Austria). Maybe a way out of the stalemate over whether or not to keep his Dutch equivalent Zwarte Piet? Anyway, I took the opportunity to explain the issue to an attentive international audience.
The book itself is available in hard cover and also as a Google book. For a sample see:
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