This is the exact moment in which Commissioner Wallis Goelen from the European Commission Directorate General on Regional and Urban Policy announced the recommendation to adopt the Union for the Mediterranean Action Plan on Sustainable and Inclusive Urbanisation. The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) is the intergovernmental Euro-Mediterranean organisation which brings together all countries of the European Union and 15 countries of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean. The UfM provides a forum to enhance regional cooperation and dialogue, as well as the implementation of concrete projects and initiatives with tangible impact on the citizens of its Member States.
Roberto Rocco, Carola Hein and Remon Rooij have worked more than one year and a half in the writing up of the plan, in collaboration with DG Regio, UNESCO, UN-Habitat, The European Investment Bank, The EU Committee for the Regions, a number of EU DGs, a number of NGOs and civil platforms and most importantly, with the planning ministries of 43 countries.We are incredibly proud of the role TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment TU Delft has played in the formulation of this document, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Minbuza.
We are so incredibly happy with the reception and the enthusiasm for the Action Plan and hope to collaborate with many many people and organisations in the implementation phase!
There is one more step before we can publish the Action Plan, the formal approval by all the Ministers in charge of planning in each UfM member country. This step will happen in the beginning of 2021.
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