Future circular regions will look very different from our contemporary linear built environments. On October 6th, the first edition of the hands-on online course for professionals: Spatial Circularity Strategies for Sustainable Regional Development will start. It will focus on how to include the spatial dimension in the operationalization of circularity. On behalf of TU Delft’s Circular Built Environment Hub we invite you to join it.

The course builds upon the work developed in two international EU-funded research projects. REPAiR – REsource management in Peri-urban Areas and CINDERELA – a collaboration between ten metropolitan regions across Europe. #circulareconomy #circularity #regionalplanning #regionaldevelopment #environmentalimpact

Interested in urban planning for circular economy ? Take this course to learn to include spatial dimensions in the operationalization of circularity in the cities/regions. Gain tools to develop spatial strategies, plans and actions to support the transition towards circular economy. Start: October 6, 2021.

Click here to see more information. Spatial Circularity Strategies for Sustainable Regional Development

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