Akkelies van Nes and Roberto Rocco were both invited speakers at the Conference on Urban Development promoted by the Mayor of Prague on 11 April 2013. The conference was primarily intended to professionals (spatial planners, developers, designers, etc) from the Czech Republic and neighbouring Central European States (Slovakia, Austria and Hungary).

van Nes presented advancements in Space Syntax and connections of the tool to current research in urban issues.

Rocco argued that we are witnessing the emergence of regions as significant units for spatial planning and introduced issues of regional governance.

The day was rich in contributions from several other guest speakers including a representative of the city of Vienna, and representatives of KCAP (Jeroen Dirckx) and Gehl Architecture (Kristian Villadsen), among many other contributors. For more pictures of the conference, please click HERE.

Please download theĀ Conference Programme 2013

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