Latin American researchers of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment gathered for an informal meeting in April to get to know each other and discuss further collaboration. The gathering is part of the effort of the Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy to foster initiatives in international development partnerships. Meeting at the restaurant Rossio of Delft were: Luz Maria Vergara (Chile, RE&H), Ana Maria Fernandez Maldonado (Peru, SPS), Rosa Donoso-Gomez (Ecuador, OTB), Flavia Curvelo Magdaniel (Colombia, RE&H), Jorge Mejia Hernandez (Colombia, Architecture), Alejandro Prieto Hoces (Chile, Building Technology), and Mauricio Morales Beltran (Chile, Building Technology) and Roberto Rocco (Brasil, SPS).

Other Latin American researchers not present at this gathering include Denise Piccinini (Brazil, Landscape Architecture), Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin (Brazil, Environmental technology), Heidi Sohn (Mexico, Architecture), Diego Andres Sepulveda Carmona (Chile,SPS) and Francisco Colombo (Argentina, SPS).

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