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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Author Archive
Ceren Sezer has received a DAAD scholarship award by the German Government and a frontrunner grant by the IDEA League

Ceren Sezer has received a DAAD scholarship award by the German Government and a frontrunner grant by the IDEA League

Ceren Sezer has received a DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) scholarship award by the German Government in November 2019. Since then, Ceren has been working as a research fellow in RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Urban Design and European Urbanism – Chair of Urban Design, which is led by Prof. Christa Reichter. Ceren supports the chair...
Call for Abstracts (Deadline: January 24, 2020) / Marketplaces: movement, representations and practices

Call for Abstracts (Deadline: January 24, 2020) / Marketplaces: movement, representations and practices

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – Deadline: January 24, 2020 Marketplaces: movement, representations and practices Editors Ceren Sezer / Delft University of Technology/ Delft, the Netherlands/ c.sezer@tudelft.nl Rianne van Melik / Radboud University / Nijmegen, the Netherlands / r.vanmelik@fm.ru.nl Theme In this edited book, we aim to explore everyday marketplaces as important urban spaces. Obviously these are...
Invited lecture: Urban policy and neighbourhood transformation in the Netherlands

Invited lecture: Urban policy and neighbourhood transformation in the Netherlands

Ceren Sezer is invited by the Lucerne University of Applied Science and Arts to give a lecture about urban policy and transformation of immigrant neighbourhoods in the Netherlands. This lecture will take place during the International Summer School on Interdisciplinary Urban and Community Planning on July 2 2019 . The summer school is organised by the Lucerne University...
Book review: Building Access, Universal Design and the Politics of Disability

Book review: Building Access, Universal Design and the Politics of Disability

Ceren Sezer reviewed Building Access, Universal Design and the Politics of Disability by Aimi Hamraie (2017, University of Minnesota press) for Built Environment. This book provides a critical analysis of the Universal Design from the historical, philosophical and the material perspectives in order to seek an answer to the question on how to make a more...
Lunch talk in Cosmopolis / Brussels Center for Urban Studies

Lunch talk in Cosmopolis / Brussels Center for Urban Studies

Ceren Sezer is invited to give a lunch talk in Vrije Universiteit Brussel – the Brussels Center for Urban Studies about her research on the recent urban transformation processes in Amsterdam. Date: June 6, 2019. Location: Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Geography Dept. – Room F 4.66 – Pleinlaan 2, BE1050 Brussels More information: http://www.cosmopolis.be/news-event/cosmopolis-lunch-seminar-ceren-sezer-tu-delft-visibility-public-space-and-socially      ...
Ceren Sezer is co-chair of AESOP 2019 Congress - Track15: Tourism, public space and urban culture

Ceren Sezer is co-chair of AESOP 2019 Congress – Track15: Tourism, public space and urban culture

AESOP 2019 Congress – Planning for Transition (9-11 July) Venice Track 15_Tourism, Public Spaces and Urban Cultures Co-chairs Ceren Sezer (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands) Gabriella Esposito De Vita (National Research Council and University Federico II, Italy) Stefania Ragozino (National Research Council, Italy) Over the last decade, public spaces have received an attention more than...
Ceren Sezer is invited as a speaker by Cardiff University

Ceren Sezer is invited as a speaker by Cardiff University

Workshop of Knowledge Exchange between Research and Practice on ‘Public Space Design with Social Cohesion and Intercultural Dialogue in mind’ Date: Wednesday, 15 May 2019   10:00 – 15:20 Location: Cardiff University, John Percival Building, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU Organizers: Dr. Patricia Aelbrecht, Cardiff University  and Dr. Quentin Stevens, RMIT University, Australia Theme: Over the last two decades, societies...
New chapter: Immigrants' Integration and Social Cohesion in Amsterdam

New chapter: Immigrants’ Integration and Social Cohesion in Amsterdam

Ceren Sezer contributed to a book entitled  ‘Public Space Design and Social Cohesion: An International Comparison’ (Routledge) with a chapter on ‘Visibility of Turkish Amenities: Immigrants’ Integration and Social Cohesion in Amsterdam’. This book is edited by Patricia Aelbrecht (Cardiff University, UK) and Quentin Stevens (RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia) and available at this link. Abstract This...
' The Demise of a Just City? ' Lunch talk at ETH Zurich Future Cities Laboratory

‘ The Demise of a Just City? ‘ Lunch talk at ETH Zurich Future Cities Laboratory

Ceren Sezer gave a lunch talk at ETH Zurich – Future Cities Laboratory about the impacts of urban transformation processes on cultural landscapes of immigrant neighbourhoods in the context of Amsterdam on Friday, 25th of October 2018. The Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) was established by ETH-Zurich and Singapore’s National Research Foundation (NRF) in 2010, and operates...
Invited talk at National University of Singapore

Invited talk at National University of Singapore

Ceren Sezer is invited by National University of Singapore (NUS) to give a talk about the recent urban transformation processes in Amsterdam and their impacts on immigrant neighbourhoods. This lecture will be on Thursday, October 25 at 6p.m in Department of Architecture, School of Design and Environment (Lecture room: LR423). Please follow and like us:
Call for papers / Special issue 'The Politics of Visibility in Public Space' / Space and Culture / Sage Publications Inc. 

Call for papers / Special issue ‘The Politics of Visibility in Public Space’ / Space and Culture / Sage Publications Inc. 

CALL FOR PAPERS – Deadline September 16, 2018  ‘THE POLITICS OF VISIBILITY IN PUBLIC SPACE’  Special issue in Space and Culture (Sage Publications Inc.)  https://www.spaceandculture.com/2018/07/ Guest editors:  Ceren Sezer / Delft University of Technology, Urbanism, the Netherlands. Freek Janssens / University of Leeds, School of Geography, United Kingdom. Theme: The visibility of individuals or groups in...
A new article on public life, immigrant amenities and socio-cultural inclusion in Amsterdam

A new article on public life, immigrant amenities and socio-cultural inclusion in Amsterdam

Ceren Sezer published a new article in Journal of Urban Design entitled Public life, immigrant amenities and socio-cultural inclusion: the presence and changes of Turkish amenities in Amsterdam. This article studies the presence of, and the changes in, immigrant amenities in the context of urban renewal processes as well as the implications of these changes in the...

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