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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Author Archive
ESPON policy brief ‘Cross-fertilisation of cohesion policy and spatial planning’ published!

ESPON policy brief ‘Cross-fertilisation of cohesion policy and spatial planning’ published!

The ESPON policy brief ‘Cross-fertilisation of cohesion policy and spatial planning’, prepared by a team of researchers at SP&S, European Policies Research Centre (EPRC), and Czech University of Life Science, has just been published. It is incumbent on governments at all levels to ensure that cohesion policy is efficient and helps deliver territorial cohesion. Spatial...
Visit the online exhibition 'Circular Southern Holland'!

Visit the online exhibition ‘Circular Southern Holland’!

We proudly present results of the Research & Design studio Spatial Strategies for the Global Metropolis, part of the MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences/Track Urbanism programme at Delft University of Technology in an online exhibition. The thematic focus of the 2020-2021 round of the studio was informed by an ambitious policy agenda that the...
+ Consider to attend final session of the conference on 'Regional Design & Democracy'

+ Consider to attend final session of the conference on ‘Regional Design & Democracy’

Consider to visit the final discussion round during the conference Regional Design: A Transformative Approach to Planning, on 2 October 2020, from 16.10 -17.00. The title of the discussion is ‘Regional Design & Democracy’. It’s topic is inspired by observations of an erosion of democratic institutions. We – organizers of the conference – share a deep...
How to go to conference 'Regional Design: A Transformative Approach to Planning'

How to go to conference ‘Regional Design: A Transformative Approach to Planning’

Online Conference | 2nd of October 2020 on Regional Design: A Transformative Approach to Planning by AESOP Thematic Group on REGIONAL DESIGN Part of the Shaping Regional Futures Conference Series 2020 The AESOP Thematic Group Regional Design invites to the online conference “Regional Design: A Transformative Approach to Planning” – as part of the Shaping Regional...
Call for abstracts + conference on regional design

Call for abstracts + conference on regional design

The AESOP Thematic Group Regional Design launched a call for abstracts @ Planning Practice and Research and invites to the related online conference “Regional Design: A Transformative Approach to Planning” – as part of the Shaping Regional Futures Conference Series 2020. The conference will take place 2nd of October 2020, and intends to discuss empirical...
Planning Complex Cities student Felipe Chaves Gonzalez wins Archiprix 2020

Planning Complex Cities student Felipe Chaves Gonzalez wins Archiprix 2020

We are very proud to announce that the graduation project of Felipe Chaves Gonzalez – a 2019/20 Planning Complex Cities student – won one of the in the Netherlands very prestigious Archiprix 2020 first prizes. We congratulate Felipe on this great success! We also compliment his mentors: Luiz de Cavalho Filho and Birgit Hausleitner. The...
Contribution to Planning theory (PT) talks @ RWTH Aachen

Contribution to Planning theory (PT) talks @ RWTH Aachen

In June 2019 Verena Balz was invited to contribute to PT.talks, a series of guest lectures organized by the chair of Planning Theory and Urban Development at the RWTH University in Aachen, Germany. In her presentation she elaborated the use of regional design in Dutch planning. The visit to the university allowed also for a...
Key note at the AESOP Young Investigator Training Program 2019

Key note at the AESOP Young Investigator Training Program 2019

Verena Balz was invited to give the key note at the opening of the AESOP Young Investigator Training Program 2019 in Florence, Italy. During the following program, organized by Valeria Lingua, University of Florence, young academics from around the world presented their research proposals. Their hosts  – a broad range of Italian planning and design...
Launch of AESOP thematic group on regional design @ 2019 Congress in Venice

Launch of AESOP thematic group on regional design @ 2019 Congress in Venice

During the 2019 Annual AESOP conference the new AESOP thematic group Regional Design was launched by researchers at the Universities of Florence, Munich, and Delft. Activities by the group aim to explore new paths for spatial planning at the regional and metropolitan level by challenging policies and practices that are traditionally anchored in rigid administrative...
Join upcoming P1 presentations of Planning Complex Cities graduation students!

Join upcoming P1 presentations of Planning Complex Cities graduation students!

On Wednesday 7 November 2018, 8.45 – 16.45, Room R and Room E*, current Planning Complex Cities graduation students will present their work for a first assessment of their MSc Urbanism graduation progress. They will show their thesis plans which set out the problem fields, research aims and questions as well as initial theoretical and...
Presentation on Regional Design @ RSA-Russia Conference 2018

Presentation on Regional Design @ RSA-Russia Conference 2018

Verena Balz has given a presentation on regional design during the 2018 Regional Studies Association (RSA) Russian conference. The conference was held 22-23 October and took place within the Russian All Russia Strategic Forum in St Petersburg. The Forum is held annually since 2002 and has already firmly and justifiably gained the right to be regarded...
Look up recent Complex cities graduates!

Look up recent Complex cities graduates!

Planning Complex Cities graduations consider spatial planning and territorial governance schemes in regions, and investigate how these can be improved to achieve more sustainable spatial outcomes. Basic starting points in graduations are observations of disparities in the distribution of spatial resources across territories, in China, Europe or the Global South. Conclusions  recommend institutional change and demonstrate, by means...

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