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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Author Archive
Winning entry to the competition 'Water as Leverage'

Winning entry to the competition ‘Water as Leverage’

The Dutch Special Envoy for International Water Affairs, and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) are taking on the challenge of addressing water crises in urban areas. The programme Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia is collaborating with the cities of Chennai (India), Khulna (Bangladesh) and Semarang...
New paper on Dutch national spatial planning

New paper on Dutch national spatial planning

Verena Balz and Wil Zonneveld have published a paper titled ‘Transformations of Planning Rationales: Changing Spaces for Governance in Recent Dutch National Planning’ in Planning Theory & Practice. The paper assesses spatial concepts outlined in Dutch national plans between 1988 and 2012. By focusing on the dimensions of concepts, and the room for interpretation these create,...
Upcoming final presentations of Complex cities graduation students

Upcoming final presentations of Complex cities graduation students

Complex cities graduation students have worked over the past year on research and design projects at the common interest of and with SP&S researchers. They are now about to present their final outcomes. For a program of their presentations, please see here. Please note that a few upcoming P5 presentations are not listed yet, because...
Complex cities graduation: Upcoming presentations

Complex cities graduation: Upcoming presentations

Between 11-1-2018 and 23-1-2018 Complex cities graduation students present their thesis plans and preliminary research during the second assessment of their graduation projects. For the program and brief descriptions of their graduation topics, please see announcements on our dedicated complex cities website. An overview is provided here. Presentations can be attended. We invite all who have an...
Kseniya Otmakhova receives Schwarzman Scholarship

Kseniya Otmakhova receives Schwarzman Scholarship

Complex cities graduation student Kseniya Otmakhova was granted the prestiguous Schwarzman Scholarship in December. With an advisory board consisting of people like former French President Nicolas Sarkozy and former American Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, this scholarship aims to educate future world leaders. For  her reflection on the award, please see here We...
LafargeHolcim Awards 2017 Latin America

LafargeHolcim Awards 2017 Latin America

Ooze architects was awarded the Bronze prize at the recent LafargeHolcim 2017 Awards, the world’s most significant competition in sustainable construction. From over 750 entries across Latin America (and over 5,000 worldwide), their project Água Carioca was selected as a leading example of innovative design. The jury highlighted the ‘intelligence and playfulness’ with which Ooze took on the pressing challenge...
Meet our recent Complex Cities graduates

Meet our recent Complex Cities graduates

In July 2017 many students have concluded their TU Delft MSc Urbanism curriculum. Among them are students that were part of the Complex cities graduation studio, led by researchers at Spatial Planning & Strategy. Students’ work exemplifies and contributes to research at this chair. It is worthwhile to consider projects, presented here. Please also take...
Publication on Regional Design in Planning Theory

Publication on Regional Design in Planning Theory

Verena Balz, PhD researcher at the chair of Spatial Planning & Strategy, has published an article on regional design in the journal Planning Theory. The article Regional design: discretionary approaches to regional planning in The Netherlands explores interrelations between planning and design, from a theoretical perspective and by means of an analysis of regional design initiatives...
Session on regional design and governance re-scaling at the RSA annual conference

Session on regional design and governance re-scaling at the RSA annual conference

On 4-7 June 2017 the Regional Studies Association (RSA) 2017 Annual Conference has taken place in Dublin, Ireland, under the title ‘The Great Regional Awakening: New Directions’. A group of researchers from universities in several European countries (Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia) have been involved in the organization of a session on regional...
Complex cities graduation topics 2017/18 – now published on our dedicated graduation webpage.

Complex cities graduation topics 2017/18 – now published on our dedicated graduation webpage.

Complex cities graduations are TU Delft MSc Urbanism graduations that reflect upon research topics at the interest of the Randstad research group. We are running a webpage that is dedicated to these graduations. This webpage has now been updated to describe Complex cities graduation topics for 2017/18 MSc Urbanism graduations. New (or updated) topics concern ageing, migration, urban regeneration...
Conference SHAPING REGIONAL FUTURES: Designing and visioning in governance rescaling

Conference SHAPING REGIONAL FUTURES: Designing and visioning in governance rescaling

On 18th and 19th of May 2017 the conference SHAPING REGIONAL FUTURES: Designing and visioning in governance rescaling took place at the Medici Riccardi Palace in Florence. During the conference the roles of regional design and visioning in the formation of regional territorial governance were discussed. The conference aimed at an increased understanding of how...
Research has shown…

Research has shown…

Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, no one has been killed in the United States in a terrorist attack by anyone who emigrated from or whose parents emigrated from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. For more information, see here. Please follow and like us:

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