A new book chapter has been published by Jorge Gil in the book “OpenStreetMap in GIScience: Experiences, Research, Applications” , edited by Jokar Arsanjani, Zipf, Mooney and Helbich, for the Springer series “Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography”.

Title: Building a Multimodal Urban Network Model Using OpenStreetMap Data for the Analysis of Sustainable Accessibility

Abstract: This chapter presents the process of building a multimodal urban net- work model using Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and in particular OpenStreetMap (OSM). The spatial data model design adopts a level of simplifi- cation that is adequate to OSM data availability and quality, and suitable to the measurement of the sustainable accessibility of urban neighborhoods and city- regions. The urban network model connects a private transport system (i.e. pedes- trian, bicycle, car), a public transport system (i.e. rail, metro, tram and bus) and a land use system (i.e. building land use units). Various algorithmic procedures have been developed to produce the network model, supporting the reproducibility of the process and addressing the challenges of using OSM data for this purpose. While OSM demonstrates great potential for urban analysis, thanks to the detail of its attributes and its open and universal coverage, there is still some way to go to provide the data quality and consistency required for detailed operational urban models.

The full text can be accessed here.

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