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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Edwin Hans' graduation project is selected for publication in Blauwe Kamer

Edwin Hans’ graduation project is selected for publication in Blauwe Kamer

The graduation project of Edwin Hans (Complex Cities 2012) has been selected for publication in the prestigious magazine Blauwe Kamer. Edwin was supervised by Francisco Colombo, senior planner and designer at the Province of South Holland and teacher at the Complex Cities studio. His second mentor was Luisa Calabrese, urban designer and associate professor at TU...
Saba Golchehr, of the Complex Cities Studio, wins the Metten Stein Design and Urbanism Award

Saba Golchehr, of the Complex Cities Studio, wins the Metten Stein Design and Urbanism Award

The Metten Stein + Design Urbanisme Award 2012 The Knowledge Lab of Urbanism organized this year for the first time the Metten Stein + Design Urbanism Award. They hope this will be the beginning of a tradition. This Urban Planning Award is intended for students at HBO or WO colleges in the Netherlands. The key question of this...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Please follow and like us:
Wei-Ju Huang (Astor) in the SPS Seminar Series: Spatial Planning and Governance of Hi-Tech Spaces

Wei-Ju Huang (Astor) in the SPS Seminar Series: Spatial Planning and Governance of Hi-Tech Spaces

On December 6, 2013 Wei-Ju (Astor) Huang, a PhD candidate at the chair of Spatial Planning Strategy presented preliminary results of her ongoing doctoral project on Spatial Planning and Governance in developing processes of high tech spaces. Astor is conducting a comparison between development strategies of high tech spaces in regions in the Netherlands (Eindhoven)...
The Great Planning Game

The Great Planning Game

This is a game based on a paper by Karina Sehested from the UNiversity of Copenhagen. (SEHESTED, K. 2010. Urban Planners as Network Managers and Metagovernors, Planning Theory & Practice 10:2, 245-263). The aim of this game is to familiarize students with the different roles and combinations of roles they can play in network governance...
Territorial Governance

Territorial Governance

The 2nd meeting on OTB-Urbanism Joint Research Themes took place on November 21st at the Hugo Priemus zaal at the OTB. The aim of the meeting was to bring aspects of territorial governance that are addressed in ongoing research in both groups to the foreground. Roberto Rocco gave a general introduction on governance. In this...
Lecture Issues of Governance in Regional Planning

Lecture Issues of Governance in Regional Planning

[issuu width=420 height=158 backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=121122153313-add6dcb4df4641578fd9890f7232f464 name=issues_of_governance_in_regional_planning username=robertorocco tag=city-regions unit=px v=2] Issues of Governance in Regional Planning. This a lecture given at the seminar Regional Governance Planning and Design on November 21st at the OTB Research Institute. The lecture was prepared by Roberto Rocco. The seminar was organized by Professor Wil Zonneveld, Verena Balz and Roberto...
Movie with TU Delft students at Winterschool Zuidas

Movie with TU Delft students at Winterschool Zuidas

Earlier in 2012, students of the Departments of Urbanism and Real Estate and Housing have participated in a Winter School organised by the Bureau Zuidas, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment of the Netherlands, and the Rotterdam Biennale of Architecture, coordinated by the Architectural Office Site UD of Amsterdam. The TU Delft students were...
Survey for Planning Practitioners

Survey for Planning Practitioners

SURVEY FOR PLANNING PRACTITIONERS. A team at TU Delft’s OTB Research Institute for the Built Environment is currently working on a research project entitled Implementing Transit-Oriented Development (iTOD). The project is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. It focuses on achieving the integration of urban development and transport nodes – often referred to as...
Dorina Pojani guest speaker at 1st Conference on Urban Mobility and Management in Albania

Dorina Pojani guest speaker at 1st Conference on Urban Mobility and Management in Albania

On October 5-6, Dorina Pojani was a guest speaker at the 1st Conference on Urban Mobility Management in Albania. She discussed current traffic problems in the city of Tirana, and described the experience of Dutch cities with bike planning and car traffic management. She also presented a poster, which was conceived as a test on sustainable transport...
Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado presented at the plenary session in the III Congress "Cities for people"

Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado presented at the plenary session in the III Congress “Cities for people”

Ana Maria’s presentation was entitled “Housing Production and Spatial Planning in Peru”. Other presenters at the plenary session included James Holston, Alfredo Rodriguez, Pedro Pírez, Pedro Abramo and Fernando Carrion. The congress, organized by the Popular Habitat and Social Inclusion Group of CLACSO, was held in Rio de Janeiro from 15 to 17 October 2012. There...
New issue of Built Environment: Evaluating the New Charter of Athens 2003

New issue of Built Environment: Evaluating the New Charter of Athens 2003

The new issue of Built Environment features articles focusing on ‘Evaluating the New Charter of Athens 2003. The journal is edited by Ina Klaasen and Wil Zonneveld. “The European Council of Town Planners (ECTP) is confident that in the 21st century Europe will advance decisively towards the goal of integration. Within this developing framework, the ECTP presents a common and widely shared...

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