Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.



The Department of Urbanism/OTB gained funding for an ESPON Targeted Analysis relating to sustainable energy in the North Sea Region. The research seeks to provide recommendations on accelerating the take-up of renewable energy technologies and supporting relevant green economic activities in this region by investigating future energy scenarios, evaluating the effectiveness of regional energy policies...
Regional Governance and Design

Regional Governance and Design

On the 21st of November, from 15.00 to 17.30, we will hold a second meeting on the OTB-Urbanism Joint Research Themes at the Hugo Priemus Room at OTB. In this meeting we will focus on the theme ‘Regional Governance and Design’. Research that relates to this theme concerns the policy, politics and administration of territory...
Best Essays for the Methodology Course Published

Best Essays for the Methodology Course Published

The course Methodology for Urbanism AR2U090 is a 5 ects course given within the Masters programme of the Department of Urbanism of the TU Delft. This course is coordinated by the Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy and given in partnership with the Chair of Sustainable Metropolitan Design. The course tackles issues related to academic research...
Dominic Stead nominated to editorial board of 'European Planning Studies'

Dominic Stead nominated to editorial board of ‘European Planning Studies’

  In recognition of his scholarship and expertise in planning studies, Dominic Stead (associate professor of urban and regional planning) has been nominated as a new member of the editorial board of the journal European Planning Studies. The journal is a well-respected and firmly-established planning journal published by Taylor and Francis in cooperation with the...
Methodology for Urbanism: Best Essays 2010-2012

Methodology for Urbanism: Best Essays 2010-2012

  Fresh from the oven: the collection of best essays for the course ‘Methodology for Urbanism’ Ar2U090, where we discuss academic research in urban design and planning. Click below to read the document in ISSUU. Methodology for Urbanism: Best Essays 2010-2012. Please follow and like us:
Sebastião M.F. Bhatt, from the University of Lisbon, starts his collaboration with the Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy

Sebastião M.F. Bhatt, from the University of Lisbon, starts his collaboration with the Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy

Sebastião M.F. Bhatt is a PhD candidate in I.C.S.-University of Lisbon, and guest researcher at TU Delft. His research project entitled “Urban Governance under conditions of Globalization: Governance of large and medium-sized Urban Projects in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon” is supervised by João Seixas (ICS-UL) and Roberto Rocco (TU Delft). Sebastião’s doctoral research is...
Hanneke Weststrate discusses her perspective on humanitarian aid and urban management.

Hanneke Weststrate discusses her perspective on humanitarian aid and urban management.

On 4 October 2012, Hanneke Weststrate presented some ideas about her PhD research proposal at the SPS Seminar series. Hanneke is a Masters in Architecture at Bouwkunde, but has since then shifted her focus to humanitarian aid and urban management. Hanneke has worked in several humanitarian organizations that tend to refugees in case of conflict...
TOD strategies for Tirana, Albania. By Dorina Pojani.

TOD strategies for Tirana, Albania. By Dorina Pojani.

During the second SP&S seminar in this period, Dorina Pojani presented parts of her PhD research which she has carried out at the Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania, and the University of California, Los Angeles. In her research she examined potentialities for urban transport planning in the city of Tirana. She demonstrated that large parts...
Keynote presentation in Taipei

Keynote presentation in Taipei

Vincent Nadin gave the keynote presentation to the International Symposium of Urban Planning (ISUP) at the National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan. The symposium brings together researchers on urban planning from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and many other east Asian countries. Vincent made a presentation on the dominant models and trends in strategic planning...
New round of SP&S seminars

New round of SP&S seminars

The SP&S seminars start again on Thursday, the 6th of September. The formula remains. Researchers at and around our chair will present and discuss their work. We have planned seminars on Thursdays, once or twice a month. The location will always be BK, 01-west-290. Please see the attached file for the overall program. Please also...
iCities conference in Tainan brings Urbanism schools together

iCities conference in Tainan brings Urbanism schools together

The International Forum on Innovative Planning Education & Studio Exhibition took place this summer in the College of Plannnig and Design at the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)  in Tainan, South-West Taiwan. the conference brought together several planning and design schools (University of the West of England, University of California, Tokyo University, Manchester, Washington University...
A Mini Dictionary Dutch-English for Urbanists by Ina Klaasen

A Mini Dictionary Dutch-English for Urbanists by Ina Klaasen

Our former colleague Dr. Ina Klaasen has compiled a list of relevant words for Urban Planners and Designers in Dutch an their equivalent in English. This is useful for students and professionals alike. You can download it here Mini-dictionary for Urbanists Dutch to English by Ina Klaasen.     Please follow and like us:

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