Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

UN-Habitat Twitter Chat with Roberto Rocco about Education for the New Urban Agenda

UN-Habitat Twitter Chat with Roberto Rocco about Education for the New Urban Agenda

A Twitter chat series in the framework of #TheCityWeNeed action campaign   A World Urban Campaign (@urbancampaign) Twitter chat with gender expert Roberto Rocco (@RobertoRocco) from TU DELFT (@TUDELFT)   Tuesday, 30 January 2018 2-3pm (Nairobi time, GMT+3) Background A Twitter chat is a public discussion on Twitter around a specific hashtag (for example, #TheCityWeNeed)....
Sharing Cities - Shaping Cities

Sharing Cities – Shaping Cities

Lidewij Tummers will be presenting at the Sharing cities – Shaping cities 2018 conference, organised by the Politechnico di Milano on 5+6 March 2018. The proposal “Low-carbon local initiative meets regional climate change policies: How to create effective synergies between local and regional agents of change?” was retained at an acceptance rate of about 20%...
Kseniya Otmakhova receives Schwarzman Scholarship

Kseniya Otmakhova receives Schwarzman Scholarship

Complex cities graduation student Kseniya Otmakhova was granted the prestiguous Schwarzman Scholarship in December. With an advisory board consisting of people like former French President Nicolas Sarkozy and former American Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, this scholarship aims to educate future world leaders. For  her reflection on the award, please see here We...
Carola Hein's Handbook of Planning History published by Routledge

Carola Hein’s Handbook of Planning History published by Routledge

The Routledge Handbook of Planning History edited by the great Professor Carola Hein, Chair History of Architecture and Urban Planning at TU Delft, is out, folks! @TUDelft @BKTUDelft @TUDelftGlobal You can see details of the book HERE “The Routledge Handbook of Planning History offers a comprehensive interdisciplinary overview of planning history since its emergence in...
Keynote Address

Keynote Address

Gregory Bracken gave the keynote address at ‘Urban Living and Multicultural Cities in Asia: From Colonial Past to Global Future’, a conference held at the Faculty of Psychology Unika Atma Jaya University, Jakarta on 8-9 November 2017. His paper was entitled ‘Asian Cities: Colonial to Global’, and made reference to the book he edited with...
Roberto Rocco in Doctoral Defence Committee at University of Sevilla

Roberto Rocco in Doctoral Defence Committee at University of Sevilla

Roberto Rocco was invited by the University of Sevilla to integrate the Doctoral Defence committee of Irene Luque Martin,  who defended a thesis titled  “Descodificando la Planificación Urbana Contemporánea: Hacia una alternativa metodológica para una planificación colaborativa” on the positive integration of GIS and other planning supporting systems to participatory planning. The thesis was defended...
Vincent Nadin presented COMPASS project at ESPON seminar in Tallinn

Vincent Nadin presented COMPASS project at ESPON seminar in Tallinn

Vincent Nadin and Ana Maria Fernandez Maldonado attended an ESPON seminar in Tallinn on 5 -6 December 2017, which gathered more than 200 researcher, policy makers and government officials. The topic was ‘Transforming territorial thinking through digitalisation’, having Estonia as the example of the most advanced digital society in the world, according to Times magazine....
Academic output, Spatial Planning group

Academic output, Spatial Planning group

As the year nears its end, the Spatial Planning and Strategy team can be proud of a wide range of academic activities and outputs during 2017, including journal articles, books, book chapters and conference papers. Topics include climate change, complexity theory, space syntax, regional design, co-housing, public space, water management, adaptation, macro-regional strategies, spatial planning,...
Remon Rooij going to the Sunshine coast for CDIO conference

Remon Rooij going to the Sunshine coast for CDIO conference

In November, SPS staff member Remon Rooij was invited by the 4TU Delft Centre for Engineering Education to give a workshop at the University of the Sunshine Coast (Australia) on academic design education during the fall conference of the CDIO (Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate), the network that discusses the future of engineering education. Please follow and like us:...
SPS contributing to TU Delft education policies

SPS contributing to TU Delft education policies

In 2017, SPS staff member Remon Rooij contributed intensively to the development and change of TU Delft education policies. He was member of an evaluation commission, assessing the study success programme of all 17 TU Delft bachelor programmes, which resulted in the report (in Dutch) ‘ Onderwijssucces: van structuur naar cultuur’. He also contributed to...
SPS Seminar 'Obstacles to cross-border cooperation on spatial planning': Stefanie Dühr, 15 December 2017, 13:00

SPS Seminar ‘Obstacles to cross-border cooperation on spatial planning’: Stefanie Dühr, 15 December 2017, 13:00

Stefanie Dühr will give a seminar on “Obstacles to cross-border cooperation on spatial planning” as part of the SPS seminar series on Friday 15 December at 13;00 in room 01 West 060 (Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft). Stefanie is Professor of European Spatial Planning Systems at the Nijmegen School of Management of the Radboud University. She...
Province’s added value in territorial development, by Guus van Steenbergen

Province’s added value in territorial development, by Guus van Steenbergen

Province’s added value in territorial development Text by Guus van Steenbergen PhD Candidate Spatial Planning and Strategy, Urbanism, TU Delft A.A.C.vanSteenbergen@tudelft.nl My PhD project at TU Delft/Architecture and Built Environment is entering a next phase. A committee that evaluates quality and progress – and gives the GO / NO GO –  said that I can...

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