Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Call for papers / Special issue 'The Politics of Visibility in Public Space' / Space and Culture / Sage Publications Inc. 

Call for papers / Special issue ‘The Politics of Visibility in Public Space’ / Space and Culture / Sage Publications Inc. 

CALL FOR PAPERS – Deadline September 16, 2018  ‘THE POLITICS OF VISIBILITY IN PUBLIC SPACE’  Special issue in Space and Culture (Sage Publications Inc.)  https://www.spaceandculture.com/2018/07/ Guest editors:  Ceren Sezer / Delft University of Technology, Urbanism, the Netherlands. Freek Janssens / University of Leeds, School of Geography, United Kingdom. Theme: The visibility of individuals or groups in...
A new article on public life, immigrant amenities and socio-cultural inclusion in Amsterdam

A new article on public life, immigrant amenities and socio-cultural inclusion in Amsterdam

Ceren Sezer published a new article in Journal of Urban Design entitled Public life, immigrant amenities and socio-cultural inclusion: the presence and changes of Turkish amenities in Amsterdam. This article studies the presence of, and the changes in, immigrant amenities in the context of urban renewal processes as well as the implications of these changes in the...
Akkie van Nes and Luiz Carvalho: Urban form in discussion in Siberia

Akkie van Nes and Luiz Carvalho: Urban form in discussion in Siberia

Akkelies van Nes and Luiz Carvalho from the Spatial Planning section, together with Daniela Maiullari from Environmental Technology and Design presented their research at the 25th ISUF, that took place from 5 to 9 July in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. The conference focused on urban form and social context, from traditions to newest demands. The presentations explored...
New paper on Dutch national spatial planning

New paper on Dutch national spatial planning

Verena Balz and Wil Zonneveld have published a paper titled ‘Transformations of Planning Rationales: Changing Spaces for Governance in Recent Dutch National Planning’ in Planning Theory & Practice. The paper assesses spatial concepts outlined in Dutch national plans between 1988 and 2012. By focusing on the dimensions of concepts, and the room for interpretation these create,...
Upcoming final presentations of Complex cities graduation students

Upcoming final presentations of Complex cities graduation students

Complex cities graduation students have worked over the past year on research and design projects at the common interest of and with SP&S researchers. They are now about to present their final outcomes. For a program of their presentations, please see here. Please note that a few upcoming P5 presentations are not listed yet, because...
Confronting Informality Symposium and Ideas Competition Report Online!

Confronting Informality Symposium and Ideas Competition Report Online!

Preserving Communities and Creating Public Goods in Informal Settlements. This version of the report contains all 20 finalists (including the 3 winners and 2 honourable mentions). Please follow and like us:
Sharon Wohl PhD success

Sharon Wohl PhD success

  Sharon Wohl has successfully defended her thesis: Complex Adaptive Systems and Urban Morphogenesis. The panel were impressed with the work based on journal publications, and the thoughtful and robust answers to challenging questions. We thank the panel for their contribution to the promotion: Dr. Stephen Marshall, U College London; Prof. dr. Francis P. Heylighen,...
SPS research strategy meeting held on 12 June 2018

SPS research strategy meeting held on 12 June 2018

Monday 10 June the SPS chair had the second meeting about strategy of the chair for the coming years. This time it was about research strategy. EPRC colleagues Laura Polverari and Fabian Gal were invited and contributed to the output of the meeting. Four emerging research themes and opportunities were identified for the near future:...
Spatial Planning colleagues presented at the RSA Annual Conference in Lugano, 3-6 June 2018

Spatial Planning colleagues presented at the RSA Annual Conference in Lugano, 3-6 June 2018

Ana María Fernández-Maldonado, Marcin Dąbrowski and Roberto Rocco, together with Marjolein Spaans from OTB, presented the results of the COHESIFY project (www.cohesify.eu/) entitled ‘Linking Cohesion Policy and Citizens’ Identification with the EU in Regions: Between Opportunism and Euroscepticism in the Netherlands’. Beyond reporting COHESIFY results, Marcin Dąbrowski also presented his on-going work on the regional...
Confronting Informality Symposium held on June 7th

Confronting Informality Symposium held on June 7th

The Department of Urbanism and the Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy sponsored the student-led Symposium Confronting Informality on June 7, 2018. The event was part of the research package sponsored by the City of the Hague on ‘Sustainable Development Goals for Responsible Innovation‘ and was also funded by Delft Global Initiative and Polis. This...
Jane Jacobs is still here, book of the conference celebrating Jacobs' centennial published online

Jane Jacobs is still here, book of the conference celebrating Jacobs’ centennial published online

Jane Jacobs is still here: Jane Jacobs 100 Her legacy and relevance in the 21st Century This book is downloadable from BK BOOKS.   Edited Roberto Rocco TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0331-7295 SYNOPSIS On the occasion of Jane Jacobs’ 100 anniversary, the chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy of the Delft University...
Rethink the City MOOC receives honourable mention

Rethink the City MOOC receives honourable mention

A TUDelft MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) has received an honourable mention in the 2018 Open Education Awards.  The Open Education Awards are awarded annually by the Open Education Consortium, dedicated to improving educational access and effectiveness worldwide. All nominations are judged in different categories by an international committee. The MOOC, entitled ‘Rethink the City:...

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