Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Recent Publication in International Planning Studies

Recent Publication in International Planning Studies

Simone Rots and Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado co-authored a journal paper published (open access) in International Planning Studies (Vol 24, No. 3-4) entitled ‘Planning Ciudad Guayana, an industrial new town in oil-rich Venezuela’.  The publication is part of a Special Issue ‘Visionary Cities or Spaces of uncertainty? Satellite Cities and New Towns in Emerging Economies’.  The...
Our 2019 group photo

Our 2019 group photo

This is our group in 2019 with our vision for the future. In 2019 Professor Vincent Nadin has left the section, as he retired. For information about our group, please write to spatial planning-BK@tudelft.nl Please follow and like us:
AESOP Round Table on Faludi's "The Poverty of New Territorialism"

AESOP Round Table on Faludi’s “The Poverty of New Territorialism”

At the Annual Congress of the Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP (Venice, 9 – 13 July, 2019), Giancarlo Cotella (Politecnico di Torino) convened a Round Table on my book. I briefly defined (state) territorialism, making the case for and against, including the part it has in the EU crisis. With Jan Zielonka (2014)...
Contribution to Planning theory (PT) talks @ RWTH Aachen

Contribution to Planning theory (PT) talks @ RWTH Aachen

In June 2019 Verena Balz was invited to contribute to PT.talks, a series of guest lectures organized by the chair of Planning Theory and Urban Development at the RWTH University in Aachen, Germany. In her presentation she elaborated the use of regional design in Dutch planning. The visit to the university allowed also for a...
Key note at the AESOP Young Investigator Training Program 2019

Key note at the AESOP Young Investigator Training Program 2019

Verena Balz was invited to give the key note at the opening of the AESOP Young Investigator Training Program 2019 in Florence, Italy. During the following program, organized by Valeria Lingua, University of Florence, young academics from around the world presented their research proposals. Their hosts  – a broad range of Italian planning and design...
Launch of AESOP thematic group on regional design @ 2019 Congress in Venice

Launch of AESOP thematic group on regional design @ 2019 Congress in Venice

During the 2019 Annual AESOP conference the new AESOP thematic group Regional Design was launched by researchers at the Universities of Florence, Munich, and Delft. Activities by the group aim to explore new paths for spatial planning at the regional and metropolitan level by challenging policies and practices that are traditionally anchored in rigid administrative...
Invited lecture: Urban policy and neighbourhood transformation in the Netherlands

Invited lecture: Urban policy and neighbourhood transformation in the Netherlands

Ceren Sezer is invited by the Lucerne University of Applied Science and Arts to give a lecture about urban policy and transformation of immigrant neighbourhoods in the Netherlands. This lecture will take place during the International Summer School on Interdisciplinary Urban and Community Planning on July 2 2019 . The summer school is organised by the Lucerne University...
Book review: Building Access, Universal Design and the Politics of Disability

Book review: Building Access, Universal Design and the Politics of Disability

Ceren Sezer reviewed Building Access, Universal Design and the Politics of Disability by Aimi Hamraie (2017, University of Minnesota press) for Built Environment. This book provides a critical analysis of the Universal Design from the historical, philosophical and the material perspectives in order to seek an answer to the question on how to make a more...
'The Poverty of Territorialism', a book by Andreas Faludi, in the News

‘The Poverty of Territorialism’, a book by Andreas Faludi, in the News

The first, long and thoughtful – and gratefully (very) positive – review has been published. See: Zaucha, J. (2018) Book Review: The Poverty of Territorialism. A Neo-Medieval View of Europe and European Planning. Europa XXI, vol. 35, 2018, pp. 127-131. Reading it, I was gasping. Jacek Zaucha succeeded in summing it all, including the dilemmas...
Lunch talk in Cosmopolis / Brussels Center for Urban Studies

Lunch talk in Cosmopolis / Brussels Center for Urban Studies

Ceren Sezer is invited to give a lunch talk in Vrije Universiteit Brussel – the Brussels Center for Urban Studies about her research on the recent urban transformation processes in Amsterdam. Date: June 6, 2019. Location: Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Geography Dept. – Room F 4.66 – Pleinlaan 2, BE1050 Brussels More information: http://www.cosmopolis.be/news-event/cosmopolis-lunch-seminar-ceren-sezer-tu-delft-visibility-public-space-and-socially      ...
Professor James Holston (UC Berkeley):  Democratic innovation  using new digital platform  technologies

Professor James Holston (UC Berkeley): Democratic innovation using new digital platform technologies

Professor James Holston from UC Berkeley will speak about digital democracy and show examples of innovative digital participatory tools. JAMES HOLSTON is professor of anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley, where he is also founding director of the Social Apps Lab at CITRIS and former co-director of Global Metropolitan Studies. He is a political...
Ceren Sezer is co-chair of AESOP 2019 Congress - Track15: Tourism, public space and urban culture

Ceren Sezer is co-chair of AESOP 2019 Congress – Track15: Tourism, public space and urban culture

AESOP 2019 Congress – Planning for Transition (9-11 July) Venice Track 15_Tourism, Public Spaces and Urban Cultures Co-chairs Ceren Sezer (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands) Gabriella Esposito De Vita (National Research Council and University Federico II, Italy) Stefania Ragozino (National Research Council, Italy) Over the last decade, public spaces have received an attention more than...

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