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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Spatial Planning & Strategy publications in 2020

Spatial Planning & Strategy publications in 2020

2020 may have been an annus horribilis in many ways. The pandemic clearly also affected our work and disrupted academic publishing. However, it was still a successful year for publishing the research done in the Spatial Planning & Strategy section. Several books and many articles in leading journals written by our team were during that...
Territoriality and COVID-19, a text by Andreas Faludi

Territoriality and COVID-19, a text by Andreas Faludi

In March James Meek (2000) has pointed out the news prioritising ‘our’ casualties and ‘our’ people stranded overseas and travellers ‘here’ being infected by a traveller from ‘there’. This encourages suspicion, hostility, racism, tighter borders, even violence. ‘Sometimes the coverage becomes the vehicle for a criticism, implicit or explicit, of something “their” society does that “our”...
A ‘hopelessly simple-minded take on sovereignty’*, a text by Andreas Faludi

A ‘hopelessly simple-minded take on sovereignty’*, a text by Andreas Faludi

Whilst I write, there is much to do about (British) sovereignty, and well in planning, too. For instance, in the 1990, the Dutch national planning director thought  it unthinkable for ‘Brussels’ to have say over the extension of the Port of Rotterdam. Of ‘territorial trap’ fame (for the first mention see: Agnew 1994) Agnew (2020, 44)...
UfM Action Plan for Sustainable Urbanisation greenlighted by UfM working groups and European Commission

UfM Action Plan for Sustainable Urbanisation greenlighted by UfM working groups and European Commission

This is the exact moment in which Commissioner Wallis Goelen from the European Commission Directorate General on Regional and Urban Policy announced the recommendation to adopt the Union for the Mediterranean Action Plan on Sustainable and Inclusive Urbanisation. The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) is the intergovernmental Euro-Mediterranean organisation which brings together all countries of the...
The Deconstruction - and Reconstruction? -of Hungary, a text by Andreas Faludi

The Deconstruction – and Reconstruction? -of Hungary, a text by Andreas Faludi

It’s not so much that I am a born Hungarian. My purpose is to fathom Hungary’s dealing with the 1920 Treaty of Trianon taking two-thirds of the “Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen” from it and leaving millions of compatriots in the diaspora. ’Nem-nem-soha’ (no-no-never) will some accept this! Margaret MacMillan (2001) writes on...
The Construction of Poland, a text by Andreas Faludi

The Construction of Poland, a text by Andreas Faludi

No, this is not against Poland. Norman Davies (2004) has shown me its heroism. But Margaret MacMillan (2001) writing on the 1919 Paris Peace Conference ending the Great War vouches to Poland having been the product of nationalism-cum-territorialism. US President Woodrow Wilson’s ‘Fourteen Points’ were meant to guide the proceedings. Point 13 promised a Poland...
Territorialism in the Cross Hairs, a text by Andreas Faludi

Territorialism in the Cross Hairs, a text by Andreas Faludi

Contending with state borders and their divisive effects, those in cross-border cooperation are with me in having territorialism in the cross hairs. They after all have first hand experience of the divisive effects of borders and the advantages of working with their neighbours in overcoming them. The EU helps, not only financially but also with...
'The Shanghai Lilong: Approaches to Rehabilitation and Reuse' by Gregory Bracken

‘The Shanghai Lilong: Approaches to Rehabilitation and Reuse’ by Gregory Bracken

The Newsletter 87. Click on the image or follow the link below to access the document. Please follow and like us:

The Routledge Handbook on Informal Urbanization, edited by Roberto Rocco and Jan van Ballegooijen has been finally published in paperback. This book was originally published in 2018 in hardcover but is now also available in paperback and digital form, making it accessible to a much wider audience. This book investigates the mutual relationship between the struggle...
Environmental Migration, new article by Sharma, Bracken and Balz.

Environmental Migration, new article by Sharma, Bracken and Balz.

Environmental Migration and Regional Livelihood Planning: A Livelihood Planning Approach to Circular Migration Asmeeta Das Sharma, Gregory Bracken, Verena Balz Environmental Justice, Vol. 13, No. 5 https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/env.2020.0010 Please follow and like us:
Territorialism, Populism and the Third Reich, a text by Andreas Faludi

Territorialism, Populism and the Third Reich, a text by Andreas Faludi

Planning in the Third Reich would have been my preferred PhD topic. Presently, Germans, including the ‘Academy for Territorial Development’, deal with their history (1), but then it was too early. Here I discuss international literature on the ‘infamous crown jurist’ (Smeltzer, 2018, 591) of the Third Reich, Carl Schmitt, an apostle also of territorialism...
No European War of Secession, a text by Andreas Faludi

No European War of Secession, a text by Andreas Faludi

Like Michael Crichton in ‘State of Fear’ (Avon Books, 2004), I declare this to be a work of fiction. Footnotes are real. After deliberating about the Future of Europe (1) a new Community dealing with the Single Market remained open to all European states. Many a former member remained. Members of the one-time European Free Trade...

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