Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

I could have done better, a text by Andreas Faludi

I could have done better, a text by Andreas Faludi

In ‘Stockholm Calling’ I admitted to my incomplete understand of Pierre Rosanvallon. Discusse there, Sherif Zakhour (2020) helped me in identifying his concern, like that of his teacher’s Claude Lefort to be the void left by the French king ending under the guillotine. Reading Rosanvallon mostly in French, I overlook this but have discovered now...
Stockholm Calling, a text by Andreas Faludi

Stockholm Calling, a text by Andreas Faludi

14 September 2020 saw Sherif Zakhour successfully defending his PhD (Zakhour 2020a) at the Royal Institute of Technology. Comparing planning theorists as to where they stand on democracy, Sherif’s comments on my ‘A Decision Centred View of Environmental Planning’ (Faludi 1987) are meticulously fair. He also intimates that there have been, sometimes ill-conceived comments on...
Nationalism Studies Rebooted, a text by Andreas Faludi

Nationalism Studies Rebooted, a text by Andreas Faludi

Printing made it possible for people who have never met to develop bonds, says Benedict Anderson (1983). For this to become possible, vernaculars needed to be clustered into standardised languages. Identities to be constructed in this way supports my claim of the nation-state being a modernist construct. (Faludi 2020 [2018]) In an idle moment, I...
The Civilisational State, a new text by Andreas Faludi

The Civilisational State, a new text by Andreas Faludi

The Civilisational State A text by Andreas Faludi   Raya pointed me to a Dutch article about the civilisational state, with China the paradigmatic example.  I am not really knowledgeable about China, but once there were plans for a session on what was then called OBOR: One Belt One Road. I was convinced that the...
Urban Geography master students reflect on Covid-19 and its impact on our cities

Urban Geography master students reflect on Covid-19 and its impact on our cities

In recent months, no other topic has framed our attention, constrained our activity and defined our lifestyle as much as the Covid-19 global pandemic. As thousands of papers, news articles and opinion pieces written about it attest, there is hardly any area of society that the pandemic does not touch upon. And there is hardly...
A review of "Poverty of Territorialism" in German

A review of “Poverty of Territorialism” in German

The ’meta-review’ of ‘The Poverty of Territorialism’ by Alois Humer (2020) in Raumforschung und Raumordnung deserves a meta-answer, starting with observing the coincidence of its being reviewed in a journal once implicated in the Third Reich (Kübler 2007; Mädling, Strubelt eds. 2009) with my father its victim. Concerning the review itself, its recounting that my...
New article in IIAS Newsletter 86 (summer 2020)

New article in IIAS Newsletter 86 (summer 2020)

New article by Gregory Bracken in IIAS Newsletter 86 (summer 2020) https://www.iias.asia/the-newsletter/article/shanghai-lilong-new-concept-home-china   Please follow and like us:
Call for abstracts + conference on regional design

Call for abstracts + conference on regional design

The AESOP Thematic Group Regional Design launched a call for abstracts @ Planning Practice and Research and invites to the related online conference “Regional Design: A Transformative Approach to Planning” – as part of the Shaping Regional Futures Conference Series 2020. The conference will take place 2nd of October 2020, and intends to discuss empirical...
Planning Complex Cities student Felipe Chaves Gonzalez wins Archiprix 2020

Planning Complex Cities student Felipe Chaves Gonzalez wins Archiprix 2020

We are very proud to announce that the graduation project of Felipe Chaves Gonzalez – a 2019/20 Planning Complex Cities student – won one of the in the Netherlands very prestigious Archiprix 2020 first prizes. We congratulate Felipe on this great success! We also compliment his mentors: Luiz de Cavalho Filho and Birgit Hausleitner. The...
Theorising Borders and Identity, a text by Andreas Faludi

Theorising Borders and Identity, a text by Andreas Faludi

At Radboud University Nijmegen I met Peter Weichhart who gave a paper. The published version refers to my joint paper with Earnest Alexander on planning doctrine. (Alexander, Faludi 1996) In Faludi (2018, 49) I distance myself somewhat from planning doctrine. Its strength was in explaining the onetime success of Dutch national planning, prefaced as it...
A European Republic? Text by Andreas Faludi

A European Republic? Text by Andreas Faludi

Austrian radio is my antidote to BBC World and the Dutch Evening News. On 27 May the latter featured Ulrike Guérot whose campaign for a European republic (Guérot 2019) I was familiar with, so I listened. With German and French academic qualifications, she divorced her French husband – hence the name – has grown-up children...
NEW BOOK: Contemporary Practices of Citizenship in Asia and the West: Care of the Self, by Gregory Bracken

NEW BOOK: Contemporary Practices of Citizenship in Asia and the West: Care of the Self, by Gregory Bracken

Contemporary Practices of Citizenship in Asia and the West: Care of the Self Gregory Bracken (ed.) Amsterdam University Press (2020) This collection of essays is the second volume in my Care of the Self series, which examines urban communities and societies in Asia and the West, shedding some much-needed light on issues that have emerged...

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