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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Andreas Faludi
My imperial roots, a text by Andreas Faludi

My imperial roots, a text by Andreas Faludi

With my father born in Hungary and my mother in Austria, both before 1918, I am second-generation Austro-Hungarian. Born in Budàpest, I spoke German and Hungarian but have unlearned successively my German and eventually my Hungarian. That was after my mother, by then widowed, had taken me to Austria in 1946. Tainted by the seven...
The tangle we got ourselves into, a text by Andreas Faludi

The tangle we got ourselves into, a text by Andreas Faludi

At the 2018 conferences of CIST (Collège international des sciences territoriale) mine was one of only two in English.  (Faludi 2018) Not to worry: I met exciting people and my extended paper (in French: Faludi 2019) went into the Dossier des Annales de Droit.  Like me, Kahn and Richard (2020) underscore the EU‘s being – my term –...
Grist to my Mill, a text by Andreas Faludi

Grist to my Mill, a text by Andreas Faludi

The occasion being the on-going ‘Conference on the Future of Europe’ (https://futureu.europa.eu/) the chief editor of EU Observer Koert Debeuf proposes recreating the European Community as an add-on to the EU as is. Quite the opposite of a doomsday scenario, Debeuf (https://euobserver.com/opinion/152309utm_source=euobs&utm_medium=email) presents this as a realistic alternative to the ever larger, ever closer and...
The Western Balkans in the News, a text by Andreas Faludi

The Western Balkans in the News, a text by Andreas Faludi

Thirty years ago Slovenia split from Yugoslavia, large parts of which are still a gaping hole in the EU. Central European members are keen on closing it, were it not for Bulgaria first wanting to settle accounts with North Macedonia. (See also my blog ‘Balkan Ghosts’.) She insists on this wannabe candidate acknowledging that its...
Uneasy Bedfellows?  A text by Andreas Faludi

Uneasy Bedfellows? A text by Andreas Faludi

What does Viktor Orbán have in common with the German Constitutional Court? They both defend a ‘Westphalian’ system under which sovereign states are seen as masters in their own house. Accordingly, the EU is no more than the sum of its parts. Attacking the European Parliament ever so critical of him, Orbán for instance wants...
Softening up the Nation-state? a text by Andreas Faludi

Softening up the Nation-state? a text by Andreas Faludi

Reading Estelle Evrard (2021) about legal geography and spatial justice in borderlands evoked memories of Edward Soja speaking about the relation of society and space – also described as spatiality, or the relationship between people and things, including other people – at Radbout University Nijmegen maybe twenty years ago. Evrard is from the University of...
Nordregion a model? a text by Andreas Faludi

Nordregion a model? a text by Andreas Faludi

In a film about neutral Sweden during World War II, the protagonist, a young women hiking in the woods near her home sees an escapee from Norway fall dead into the brook marking the common border. The German officer of the occupying force calmly puts away his gun, saluting the Swedish border guard having rushed...
A Non-Paper, a text by Andreas Faludi

A Non-Paper, a text by Andreas Faludi

Many youthful German speakers have been reading Karl May. His first six of many dozens of volumes recount the adventures of one Kara ben Nemsi and his indefatigable servant-companion Hadschi Halef Omar Ben Hadschi Abul Abbas Ibn Hadschi Dawud al Gossarah. (My stepfather could still recite the full name decades after he had read the books.)...
Europe Day Revisited, a text by Andreas Faludi

Europe Day Revisited, a text by Andreas Faludi

The announcement of Europe Day 2021 reminded me of my visit to Tirana. Polis University there wanted to celebrate the then French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Robert Schuman inviting Germany and also other countries to join what would become the European Coal and Steel Community. Presently, the day he announced this intention at a press...
[Edit: Recording Available] Online SPS Seminar with Andreas Faludi - Populism and Spatial Planning

[Edit: Recording Available] Online SPS Seminar with Andreas Faludi – Populism and Spatial Planning

Online SPS Seminar with Prof. Andreas Faludi (TU Delft) Wednesday 28 April 2021, 12-30-13.30 CET, via Zoom (prior registration needed) Topic: Populism and Spatial Planning Theory       Making territories the object of spatial planning amounts to a meta-planning theory shared by planners and populists: territorialism. Prioritising their territory and their people, except as...
The Morning After, a text by Andreas Faludi

The Morning After, a text by Andreas Faludi

The Morning After In my last blog I refused to reply myself to the Gretchenfrage: Should I vote for Volt? The new kid on the block would have to gain at least one out of every 150 votes cast and, anyhow, should I change horses midway? And does Volt suit my preferences? Am I still...
An alternative path to European planning? A text by Andreas Faludi.

An alternative path to European planning? A text by Andreas Faludi.

At the International Planning History Conference at Delft, Wil Zonneveld and I heared Andrew Sorensen on historical institutionalise and published papers in his special issue of Planning Perspectives on the matter, the one by Zonneveld (2018) being on the Conference of Spatial Planning in North-Western Europe (CRONWE). It expanded on Dühr and Zonneveld (2012) writing on the imagery...

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