Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

What we talk about when we talk (again) about Secondary Cities

What we talk about when we talk (again) about Secondary Cities

A new book is out with contributions from Rodrigo Cardoso (SPS, Urbanism) and Evert Meijers (Utrecht University, formerly TU Delft Urbanism) and it opens up wholly new ways of thinking about the secondary city experience in the Global North. Secondary cities “are intuitively obvious but empirically slippery”, claim the editors. They are the smaller cities...
NEW BOOK: Contemporary Practices of Citizenship in Asia and the West: Care of the Self, by Gregory Bracken

NEW BOOK: Contemporary Practices of Citizenship in Asia and the West: Care of the Self, by Gregory Bracken

Contemporary Practices of Citizenship in Asia and the West: Care of the Self Gregory Bracken (ed.) Amsterdam University Press (2020) This collection of essays is the second volume in my Care of the Self series, which examines urban communities and societies in Asia and the West, shedding some much-needed light on issues that have emerged...
Book Celebrating Spatial Planning at TU Delft

Book Celebrating Spatial Planning at TU Delft

On the occasion of Professor Vincent Nadin’s retirement after 11 years at TU Delft, the section Spatial Planning and Strategy launched a book celebrating Vincent’s time as head of the section and later a head of department. This book is a compilation of all our activities during those eleven years. The book contains short texts...
Book Launch: Ancient and Modern Practices of Citizenship in Asia and the West, edited by Gregory Bracken

Book Launch: Ancient and Modern Practices of Citizenship in Asia and the West, edited by Gregory Bracken

Lecture by Gregory Bracken and Renske Maria van Dam (Chapter 11) 12.30-14.00, Thursday, 9 May IIAS, Rapenburg 59, Leiden Lunch provided by IIAS (registration required), contact: x.lin@iias.nl Please follow and like us:
The Routledge Handbook on Informal Urbanization

The Routledge Handbook on Informal Urbanization

PUBLISHED!  The Routledge Handbook on Informal Urbanisation edited by Roberto Rocco and Jan van Ballegooijen is out.  This handbook explores 25 cases in 24 cities around the world where informal urbanisation has played a pivotal role in how people have struggled for their right to the city and for their ‘right to rights’ as citizens. It...
Fifth edition of Gregory Bracken's architectural guide 'Singapore: A Walking Tour' reprinted.

Fifth edition of Gregory Bracken’s architectural guide ‘Singapore: A Walking Tour’ reprinted.

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Our publications in 2018.

Our publications in 2018.

When it comes to publishing, 2018 has been a very fruitful year for the Spatial Planning and Strategy section of the Urbanism department. We are very happy to present here a selection of our publications in journals and books from the past year. General audience publications: Bracken, G. & Bracken, A. (2018) Cork Strolls: Exploring...
New book chapters on planning policy transfer

New book chapters on planning policy transfer

A new book entitled “Knowledge, Policymaking and Learning for European Cities and Regions From Research to Practice” has been published by Edward Elgar. The book, edited by Nicola Francesco Dotti, provides theories, experiences, reflections and future directions for social scientists engaged with policy-oriented research in cities and regions.  Dominic Stead has co-authored two of the book’s chapters: Chapter 4:...
Newspaper articles about book 'Cork Strolls'

Newspaper articles about book ‘Cork Strolls’

Lovely newspaper articles about my sister Audrey’s and my latest book ‘Cork Strolls’. Go and read them! You can find them on: here at the Irish Examiner, or here at the Southern Star.   Please follow and like us:
Jane Jacobs is still here, book of the conference celebrating Jacobs' centennial published online

Jane Jacobs is still here, book of the conference celebrating Jacobs’ centennial published online

Jane Jacobs is still here: Jane Jacobs 100 Her legacy and relevance in the 21st Century This book is downloadable from BK BOOKS.   Edited Roberto Rocco TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0331-7295 SYNOPSIS On the occasion of Jane Jacobs’ 100 anniversary, the chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy of the Delft University...
'The Poverty of Territorialism: A Neo-medieval View of Europe and European Planning',  by Andreas Faludi 

‘The Poverty of Territorialism: A Neo-medieval View of Europe and European Planning’,  by Andreas Faludi 

‘The Poverty of Territorialism: A Neo-medieval View of Europe and European Planning‘, a book  by Andreas Faludi. This book will by published in summer by Edgar Elgar Publishing. This book identifies cases for and against territorialism giving states a monopoly on controlling their territories. The territoriality of EU members is also a barrier to European...
New Book

New Book

‘Cork Strolls’, written by brother-and-sister team Gregory and Audrey Bracken has just been published. A guide to Cork’s architecture, it is the follow-up to their bestselling ‘Dublin Strolls’ (The Collins Press, 2016). Please follow and like us:

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