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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

SPS Seminar - Peri-urban China: Spatial Governance and Traditional Culture

SPS Seminar – Peri-urban China: Spatial Governance and Traditional Culture

Thursday 30 June 2022, 12.30-13.45 (on campus and online) Please register HERE. In this seminar, Yaqi Yan (Tsinghua University) and Diwen Tan (TU Delft) present the spatial transformation of peri-urban areas in China in different regions and from perspectives. One case from northern China focuses on local governance; the other from southern China focuses on...
New paper in Urban Studies: Adaptive capacity of the Pearl River Delta cities in the face of the growing flood risk: Institutions, ideas and interests

New paper in Urban Studies: Adaptive capacity of the Pearl River Delta cities in the face of the growing flood risk: Institutions, ideas and interests

Cities around the world face a growing flood risk as a result of climate change, bringing more extreme weather, more rainfall and more frequent and more severe storm surge events, pushing sea water into the streets. This problem is exacerbated by the rapid urban development, leading to expansion of cities onto flood-prone, low-lying areas, or...
New book "Future Challenges of Cities in Asia", edited by Gregory Bracken, Paul Rabé, R. Parthasarathy, Neha Sami, and Bing Zhang

New book “Future Challenges of Cities in Asia”, edited by Gregory Bracken, Paul Rabé, R. Parthasarathy, Neha Sami, and Bing Zhang

Future Challenges of Cities in Asia Gregory Bracken, Paul Rabé, R. Parthasarathy, Neha Sami, and Bing Zhang (editors) Volume 3 in the UKNA series Amsterdam University Press, 2020   Table of Contents   Future Challenges of Cities in Asia: An Introduction Gregory Bracken, Paul Rabé, R. Parthasarathy, Neha Sami, and Bing Zhang   Human Agency...
New paper by Meng et al.: Collaborative spatial planning in the face of flood risk in delta cities

New paper by Meng et al.: Collaborative spatial planning in the face of flood risk in delta cities

Collaborative spatial planning in the face of flood risk in delta cities: A policy framing perspective by Meng Meng, Marcin Dąbrowski, Yuting Tai, Dominic Stead and Faith Chan Available in OPEN ACCESS at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2019.03.006 New paper, building on Meng Meng’s PhD research and with contributions from Marcin Dąbrowski, Yuting Tai, Dominic Stead and Faith Chan...
Chapter on development of the Sponge City Programme in Guangzhou by Meng et al.

Chapter on development of the Sponge City Programme in Guangzhou by Meng et al.

Meng Meng, together with Marcin Dąbrowski, Faith Chan (Nottingham Ningbo University) and Dominic Stead published a chapter on the Sponge City programme in Guanghzou in a book edited by Adriana Galderisi and Andrea Colucci. The book is entitled “Smart, Resilience and Transition Cities. Emerging Approaches and Tools for a Climate-Sensitive Urban Development” and was published...
Join upcoming P1 presentations of Planning Complex Cities graduation students!

Join upcoming P1 presentations of Planning Complex Cities graduation students!

On Wednesday 7 November 2018, 8.45 – 16.45, Room R and Room E*, current Planning Complex Cities graduation students will present their work for a first assessment of their MSc Urbanism graduation progress. They will show their thesis plans which set out the problem fields, research aims and questions as well as initial theoretical and...
Look up recent Complex cities graduates!

Look up recent Complex cities graduates!

Planning Complex Cities graduations consider spatial planning and territorial governance schemes in regions, and investigate how these can be improved to achieve more sustainable spatial outcomes. Basic starting points in graduations are observations of disparities in the distribution of spatial resources across territories, in China, Europe or the Global South. Conclusions  recommend institutional change and demonstrate, by means...
Urbanism and EMU part of collaboration between Chinese and Western Universities

Urbanism and EMU part of collaboration between Chinese and Western Universities

The department of Urbanism and the European Post-master in Urbanism – EMU, have been invited to be part of a collaboration between Chinese and western universities. The objective of the exchange is to discuss the role of waterscapes in city development in China. The exchange is organised by the China Architecture and Design Group –...
New paper on EU-China, EU-Brazil regional policy transfer published in Regional Studies

New paper on EU-China, EU-Brazil regional policy transfer published in Regional Studies

New paper by Marcin Dąbrowski, Ida Musiałkowska (Poznań University of Economics) and Laura Polverari (EPRC, University of Strathclyde) on the transfer of regional policy from the EU to China and to Brazil has just been published online in Regional Studies. The paper investigates the European Union (EU)–Brazil and EU–China regional policy dialogues, viewed as vectors...
Complex cities graduation: Upcoming presentations

Complex cities graduation: Upcoming presentations

Between 11-1-2018 and 23-1-2018 Complex cities graduation students present their thesis plans and preliminary research during the second assessment of their graduation projects. For the program and brief descriptions of their graduation topics, please see announcements on our dedicated complex cities website. An overview is provided here. Presentations can be attended. We invite all who have an...
Keynote Address

Keynote Address

Gregory Bracken gave the keynote address at ‘Urban Living and Multicultural Cities in Asia: From Colonial Past to Global Future’, a conference held at the Faculty of Psychology Unika Atma Jaya University, Jakarta on 8-9 November 2017. His paper was entitled ‘Asian Cities: Colonial to Global’, and made reference to the book he edited with...
Akkelies van Nes keynote speaker at Akkelies van Nes is keynote speaker for the 3rd Chinese Space Syntax Symposium

Akkelies van Nes keynote speaker at Akkelies van Nes is keynote speaker for the 3rd Chinese Space Syntax Symposium

Akkelies van Nes is keynote speaker for the 3rd Chinese Space Syntax Symposium 25-26 November . Space Syntax is growing fast in China. Since 2015 they are arranging space syntax conferences on a yearly basis. Around 300 attended the conference, this year held in Shenzhen (arranged by prof Haofeng Wang at Shenzhen university). The other...

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