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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Circular economy
RSA Winter Conference: Call for abstracts on circular cities and regions

RSA Winter Conference: Call for abstracts on circular cities and regions

Marcin Dąbrowski, together with the RSA Policy Expo project partners, Karel van den Berghe (MBE, BK, TUD), Joanna Williams (Bartlett, UCL), and Ellen van Bueren (MBE, BK, TUD), organise a special session on circular cities and regions at the 2022 Regional Studies Association’s Winter Conference 2022 in London. Call for abstracts is now open: SS05:...
RSA policy expo grant won - Going circular: unlocking the potential of regions and cities to drive the circular economy transition

RSA policy expo grant won – Going circular: unlocking the potential of regions and cities to drive the circular economy transition

Marcin Dąbrowski, together with a team of co-applicants including Karel van den Berghe, Ellen van Bueren (MBE, BK, TUD), and Joanna Williams (UCL), won a Policy Expo grant from the Regional Studies Association. The project is entitled “Going circular: unlocking the potential of regions and cities to drive the circular economy transition”. The project will...
Visit the online exhibition 'Circular Southern Holland'!

Visit the online exhibition ‘Circular Southern Holland’!

We proudly present results of the Research & Design studio Spatial Strategies for the Global Metropolis, part of the MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences/Track Urbanism programme at Delft University of Technology in an online exhibition. The thematic focus of the 2020-2021 round of the studio was informed by an ambitious policy agenda that the...
The spatial and social dimensions of circular economy - special sessions at RSA e-Festival

The spatial and social dimensions of circular economy – special sessions at RSA e-Festival

On 16-17 June we will have 4 sessions, co-organised with colleagues from our Faculty’s Management in the Built Environment department, on circular economy as part of the Regional Studies Association’s Regions in Recovery e-Festival. The sessions will include range of exciting new research presented, focusing on governance, spatial and social dimensions, as well post-COVID recovery. The...
New paper - Circling the square: governance of the circular economy transition in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area

New paper – Circling the square: governance of the circular economy transition in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area

New paper, co-authored by Marcin Dąbrowski and Erwin Heurkens (Management in the Built Environment, Bouwkunde, TU Delft) is out in Open Access format, published in European Spatial Research and Policy. The paper uses the case of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area to explore and classify the barriers for managing transitions towards circular economy in that urban...
RSA Regions in Recovery E-Festival - call for abstracts on circular economy

RSA Regions in Recovery E-Festival – call for abstracts on circular economy

Marcin Dąbrowski, together with Karel Van den Berghe, Aksel Ersoy, Ellen Van Bueren (TU Delft), Frank van Oort (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Joanna Williams (University College London) are organising a series of special sessions as part of the Regional Studies Association Global E-Festival “Regions in Recovery”. This online conference takes place over 16 days between 2...
Beyond REPAiR - H2020 REPAiR final (online) conference - registration open!

Beyond REPAiR – H2020 REPAiR final (online) conference – registration open!

The H2020 REPAiR project, led by Prof. Arjan van Timmeren and involving many of us a the Department of Urbanism and our Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment, is coming to an end soon. On Tuesday, the 13th of October 2020, between 09.00 and 17.15 CET a final online conference for the project will be held....
Alexander Wandl obtains his PhD at TU Delft

Alexander Wandl obtains his PhD at TU Delft

Alexander Wandl obtained his PhD at TU Delft with a dissertation titled “Territories-in-between: A Cross-case Comparison of Dispersed Urban Development in Europe”. The defense took place at the AULA TU Delft  on 22 JAN 2020. The promotors were Professor Vincent Nadin and Professor Wil Zonneveld, and the co-promotor was Associate Professor Remon Roiij. Birgit Hausleitner...
Special Issue of Urban Planning on circular economy based on H2020 REPAiR project

Special Issue of Urban Planning on circular economy based on H2020 REPAiR project

Marcin Dąbrowski, Verena Balz, and Lei Qu from the SPS team contributed to four papers in the new special issue of Urban Planning, an open access journal. The special issue is based on the H2020 REPAiR project and the related teaching experiences in Quarter 3 studio as part of our Urbanism master programme. It explores...

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