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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Complex Cities
Smart Breaks at Complex Cities Studio takes off, organised by Verena Balz

Smart Breaks at Complex Cities Studio takes off, organised by Verena Balz

  On April 15, the great Emeritus Professor Andreas Faludi met students from the Graduation Studio Complex Cities at a SMART BREAK organised by Verena Balz. Smart Breaks were conceived by students themselves as a way to keep in touch with each other during the COVID-19 crisis. Students missed the opportunity to attend lectures and...
Complex cities graduation: Upcoming presentations

Complex cities graduation: Upcoming presentations

Between 11-1-2018 and 23-1-2018 Complex cities graduation students present their thesis plans and preliminary research during the second assessment of their graduation projects. For the program and brief descriptions of their graduation topics, please see announcements on our dedicated complex cities website. An overview is provided here. Presentations can be attended. We invite all who have an...
Kseniya Otmakhova receives Schwarzman Scholarship

Kseniya Otmakhova receives Schwarzman Scholarship

Complex cities graduation student Kseniya Otmakhova was granted the prestiguous Schwarzman Scholarship in December. With an advisory board consisting of people like former French President Nicolas Sarkozy and former American Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, this scholarship aims to educate future world leaders. For  her reflection on the award, please see here We...
Meet our recent Complex Cities graduates

Meet our recent Complex Cities graduates

In July 2017 many students have concluded their TU Delft MSc Urbanism curriculum. Among them are students that were part of the Complex cities graduation studio, led by researchers at Spatial Planning & Strategy. Students’ work exemplifies and contributes to research at this chair. It is worthwhile to consider projects, presented here. Please also take...
Complex cities graduation topics 2017/18 – now published on our dedicated graduation webpage.

Complex cities graduation topics 2017/18 – now published on our dedicated graduation webpage.

Complex cities graduations are TU Delft MSc Urbanism graduations that reflect upon research topics at the interest of the Randstad research group. We are running a webpage that is dedicated to these graduations. This webpage has now been updated to describe Complex cities graduation topics for 2017/18 MSc Urbanism graduations. New (or updated) topics concern ageing, migration, urban regeneration...
Complex Cities Graduation Studio at the Department of Urbanism

Complex Cities Graduation Studio at the Department of Urbanism

Our Complex Cities studio at MSc Urbanism of the  Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment TU Delft is quite old and experienced. It has been functioning at least from 2006 (some say 2000, because they connect it to the Globalisation Studio the managed by Dr. Marisa Carmona). The graduation studio is currently being managed by...


Enrolment is open for the third edition of the TU Delft SUMMER SCHOOL Planning and Design with Water, in which we will explore the challenges of planning and designing cities that are resilient and friendly to water issues. The Summer School is a 10-day experience organised by the Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy, Department...
Atsufumi Yokoi, from Okayama University (Japan) visits SPS

Atsufumi Yokoi, from Okayama University (Japan) visits SPS

Atsufumi Yokoi, an alumno of the Department of Urbanism and the Complex Cities graduation studio, is special advisor to the President of Okayama University in Japan. Yoko got his degree in Urbanism in 2008 with work on an alternative mobility system for the city of Lusaka, in Zambia, guided by Roberto Rocco, Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado and Willem...
Regular update on Complex cities graduations (on happy cities right now!).

Regular update on Complex cities graduations (on happy cities right now!).

The Complex cities website is a site that researchers of the Randstad Research group set up to assist Master of Urbanism graduation students. It announces events, makes presentations available, reflects on events and traces emerging interests of graduation students. Please take account of our regular updates  and also comment! What’s new? The description of ‘happy...
Urbanism graduation orientation – events!

Urbanism graduation orientation – events!

To enhance MSc Urbanism graduations the Complex cities research group organizes a series of lectures, discussions and workshops. The series forms part of a broader program for graduation orientation. The program is meant to facilitate exchange among research and education, to enhance in-depth research and design. The Complex cities series discusses urgent topics that require...
Complex Cities graduations – detailed descriptions available.

Complex Cities graduations – detailed descriptions available.

  The Complex Cities research group* has formulated a set of research and design projects for Master of Science Urbanism graduations, starting in the fall semester 2015. Please find an updated and detailed description of these via this site: https://complexcitiesstudio.wordpress.com/ . Projects are defined to enhance the relation among research and education. They are meant to inspire...
Globalisation Studio final presentations

Globalisation Studio final presentations

Students on the 2015 Globalisation Free Choice Studio made their final presentations in June. The Studio was based on urban development and spatial planning in the context of flood risk management in Buenos Aires, Argentina. One team from Argentina joined the presentations in Delft together with Profession Flavio Janches of the University of Buenos Aires...

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