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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Complex Cities studio
Planning Complex Cities student Felipe Chaves Gonzalez wins Archiprix 2020

Planning Complex Cities student Felipe Chaves Gonzalez wins Archiprix 2020

We are very proud to announce that the graduation project of Felipe Chaves Gonzalez – a 2019/20 Planning Complex Cities student – won one of the in the Netherlands very prestigious Archiprix 2020 first prizes. We congratulate Felipe on this great success! We also compliment his mentors: Luiz de Cavalho Filho and Birgit Hausleitner. The...
Smart Breaks at Complex Cities Studio takes off, organised by Verena Balz

Smart Breaks at Complex Cities Studio takes off, organised by Verena Balz

  On April 15, the great Emeritus Professor Andreas Faludi met students from the Graduation Studio Complex Cities at a SMART BREAK organised by Verena Balz. Smart Breaks were conceived by students themselves as a way to keep in touch with each other during the COVID-19 crisis. Students missed the opportunity to attend lectures and...
Join upcoming P1 presentations of Planning Complex Cities graduation students!

Join upcoming P1 presentations of Planning Complex Cities graduation students!

On Wednesday 7 November 2018, 8.45 – 16.45, Room R and Room E*, current Planning Complex Cities graduation students will present their work for a first assessment of their MSc Urbanism graduation progress. They will show their thesis plans which set out the problem fields, research aims and questions as well as initial theoretical and...
Look up recent Complex cities graduates!

Look up recent Complex cities graduates!

Planning Complex Cities graduations consider spatial planning and territorial governance schemes in regions, and investigate how these can be improved to achieve more sustainable spatial outcomes. Basic starting points in graduations are observations of disparities in the distribution of spatial resources across territories, in China, Europe or the Global South. Conclusions  recommend institutional change and demonstrate, by means...
Upcoming final presentations of Complex cities graduation students

Upcoming final presentations of Complex cities graduation students

Complex cities graduation students have worked over the past year on research and design projects at the common interest of and with SP&S researchers. They are now about to present their final outcomes. For a program of their presentations, please see here. Please note that a few upcoming P5 presentations are not listed yet, because...
Complex Cities Graduation Studio at the Department of Urbanism

Complex Cities Graduation Studio at the Department of Urbanism

Our Complex Cities studio at MSc Urbanism of the  Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment TU Delft is quite old and experienced. It has been functioning at least from 2006 (some say 2000, because they connect it to the Globalisation Studio the managed by Dr. Marisa Carmona). The graduation studio is currently being managed by...
Engage and act- a symposium on citizen involvement

Engage and act- a symposium on citizen involvement

On the 18th of November a symposium on citizen involvement took place at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. During the event the role of citizen engagement in planning decision making was investigated, in the context of different countries and on different levels of scale. The aim of the symposium was to identify key factors that...
Upcoming event: Globalisation and local identity

Upcoming event: Globalisation and local identity

On the 28th of October, 14.00-16.00, room C at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, there will be a debate about globalisation and its impact on the local identity of cities. Illustrated by three cases over the world, different prepositions concerning the impact of globalisation on the local identities of cities will be discussed. Experts will...
Complex Cities graduations – detailed descriptions available.

Complex Cities graduations – detailed descriptions available.

  The Complex Cities research group* has formulated a set of research and design projects for Master of Science Urbanism graduations, starting in the fall semester 2015. Please find an updated and detailed description of these via this site: https://complexcitiesstudio.wordpress.com/ . Projects are defined to enhance the relation among research and education. They are meant to inspire...
Globalisation Studio final presentations

Globalisation Studio final presentations

Students on the 2015 Globalisation Free Choice Studio made their final presentations in June. The Studio was based on urban development and spatial planning in the context of flood risk management in Buenos Aires, Argentina. One team from Argentina joined the presentations in Delft together with Profession Flavio Janches of the University of Buenos Aires...
New Website Complex Cities Research

New Website Complex Cities Research

The Complex Cities research group and graduation platform has a new website. please click HERE to visit. The website was designed by Verena Balz and Azadeh Mashayekhi. Complex Cities is an association of researchers to assist graduation at the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at the Delft University of Technology. Researchers share...
Edwin Hans' graduation project is selected for publication in Blauwe Kamer

Edwin Hans’ graduation project is selected for publication in Blauwe Kamer

The graduation project of Edwin Hans (Complex Cities 2012) has been selected for publication in the prestigious magazine Blauwe Kamer. Edwin was supervised by Francisco Colombo, senior planner and designer at the Province of South Holland and teacher at the Complex Cities studio. His second mentor was Luisa Calabrese, urban designer and associate professor at TU...

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