Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Complex Cities studio
Saba Golchehr, of the Complex Cities Studio, wins the Metten Stein Design and Urbanism Award

Saba Golchehr, of the Complex Cities Studio, wins the Metten Stein Design and Urbanism Award

The Metten Stein + Design Urbanisme Award 2012 The Knowledge Lab of Urbanism organized this year for the first time the Metten Stein + Design Urbanism Award. They hope this will be the beginning of a tradition. This Urban Planning Award is intended for students at HBO or WO colleges in the Netherlands. The key question of this...
Territorial Governance

Territorial Governance

The 2nd meeting on OTB-Urbanism Joint Research Themes took place on November 21st at the Hugo Priemus zaal at the OTB. The aim of the meeting was to bring aspects of territorial governance that are addressed in ongoing research in both groups to the foreground. Roberto Rocco gave a general introduction on governance. In this...
Rick Vermeulen, of the University of Amsterdam, gives a methodology class

Rick Vermeulen, of the University of Amsterdam, gives a methodology class

    “Rick Vermeulen is an urban planner with a clear interest in metropolitan development. After obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in urban planning and a master in Metropolitan studies, both at the University of Amsterdam, he started a dual career combining both research and practice. Within the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) he has started as PhD candidate...
Spatial Planning Students organise excursion to Amsterdam

Spatial Planning Students organise excursion to Amsterdam

The students of the graduation studio Complex Cities (SPS) organised a day out in Amsterdam on March 7. The students and staff visited new developments around Amsterdam Central Station, including the newly inaugurated city library on  Oosterdokseiland and the residential developements on Java-eiland. You can get more information about the library by clicking here and get to...
Rafael Saraiva presented his work at Bouwkunde, March 23 2012

Rafael Saraiva presented his work at Bouwkunde, March 23 2012

Rafael Saraiva is a former student of the studio Complex Cities. He graduated with the project “Knowledge Backbone for Rio de Janeiro”, supervised by Akkelies van Nes, Thorsten Schuze and Roberto Rocco. The project envisaged new connections between the city centre and the airport and the redevelopment of urban voids along the coast, including key...
Students presentations available in BLOG

Students presentations available in BLOG

The results of the 2nd assessment moment of the Masters of Urbanism, Complex Cities Graduation Studio is available at our BLOG. The presentations give an overview of the themes and methods being developed by students of the Graduation Studio and are available for download. Visit the Complex Cities Graduation Studio BLOG. Please follow and like...
Governance for Urbanism: Participation and Reason

Governance for Urbanism: Participation and Reason

[issuu width=420 height=158 backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=111222070024-c8404b655c0b4d68957674eec2d1d09c name=participation_and_reason username=robertorocco tag=participation unit=px id=f8335ef6-773d-f10c-98bf-0051cc2fef56 v=2]   This the second lecture of the series ‘Governance for Urbanism’, where I contrast two terms relevant for spatial planing and design. In this presentation, i contrast ‘Participation’ and ‘Reason’. This lecture presents the fundamental philosophical arguments for participation in urban development, discusses the...
Complex Cities student Hanne van den Berg selected as ‘Best TU Delft graduate'

Complex Cities student Hanne van den Berg selected as ‘Best TU Delft graduate’

This is a transcription of the article published by the BK-City News on 10.11.2011. For the original article, please visit here. Hanne van den Berg selected as ‘Best TU Delft graduate’ 10 November 2011 by M&C Architecture student Hanne van den Berg (MSc, Urbanism) has been selected for the UfD-Mecanoo ‘Best TU Delft Graduate’ prize for...
Seminar on Chinese Urban Development 18 Nov 2011 Bouwkunde room C 13h45

Seminar on Chinese Urban Development 18 Nov 2011 Bouwkunde room C 13h45

Urban development in China: priorities and dilemmasA Seminar organized by the studio Complex Cities of the Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy and Real Estate and Housing. In the process of rapid economic development and re-structuring, Chinese cities have undergone three major transitions simultaneously in the last three decades. These are marketization, internationalization and rural-urban migration,...
Governance Lectures: Property X Justice

Governance Lectures: Property X Justice

Governance Lecture Series 1: Governance for Urbanism View more presentations from Roberto Rocco Please follow and like us:

Complex Cities Studio Graduation Poster 2011

Open publication – Free publishing – More 2011 Please follow and like us:
Graduation Poster Complex Cities 2011

Graduation Poster Complex Cities 2011

Open publication – Free publishing – More 2011 Please follow and like us:

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