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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Complex Cities
New Website Complex Cities Research

New Website Complex Cities Research

The Complex Cities research group and graduation platform has a new website. please click HERE to visit. The website was designed by Verena Balz and Azadeh Mashayekhi. Complex Cities is an association of researchers to assist graduation at the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at the Delft University of Technology. Researchers share...
Melbourne Peri-urban conference

Melbourne Peri-urban conference

        Spatial planning at TU Delft made a major contribution to Beyond the Edge: the first Australian peri-urban conference in Melbourne, organised jointly by La Trobe University and RMIT. Alex Wandl gave a paper based on his PhD project on ‘territories-in-between’ and Vincent Nadin gave the first keynote presentation on Peri-urbanism in Europe (co-authored...
Upcoming lecture by Michael Neuman: The plan matters.

Upcoming lecture by Michael Neuman: The plan matters.

On Monday, the 23rd of September at 12.30, Michael Neuman will give a lecture with the title ‘Images of place in urban and regional planning’ at the Hugo Priemuszaal, OTB. His position is that the plan matters because the images of place that are contained in plans not only guide the planning process and the...
Globalisation students (and many others) try the "Silent Classroom" concept, with a lecture by Stephen Read in BK's Maquette Hall

Globalisation students (and many others) try the “Silent Classroom” concept, with a lecture by Stephen Read in BK’s Maquette Hall

In April 2013, the students of the Free Choice (MSc2 elective) tried out the new “silent classroom” concept. The silent classroom uses headphones and a closed-circuit sound transmission system to allow participants to listen to a lecture, while in very noisy places. The lecturer talks on a small microphone and listeners are able to follow...
Edwin Hans' graduation project is selected for publication in Blauwe Kamer

Edwin Hans’ graduation project is selected for publication in Blauwe Kamer

The graduation project of Edwin Hans (Complex Cities 2012) has been selected for publication in the prestigious magazine Blauwe Kamer. Edwin was supervised by Francisco Colombo, senior planner and designer at the Province of South Holland and teacher at the Complex Cities studio. His second mentor was Luisa Calabrese, urban designer and associate professor at TU...
Regional Governance and Design

Regional Governance and Design

On the 21st of November, from 15.00 to 17.30, we will hold a second meeting on the OTB-Urbanism Joint Research Themes at the Hugo Priemus Room at OTB. In this meeting we will focus on the theme ‘Regional Governance and Design’. Research that relates to this theme concerns the policy, politics and administration of territory...
Presentation Tools for Research

Presentation Tools for Research

Tools for research in areas of design practice: problem finding. View more presentations from Roberto Rocco Please follow and like us:
Governance for Urbanism: Participation and Reason

Governance for Urbanism: Participation and Reason

[issuu width=420 height=158 backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=111222070024-c8404b655c0b4d68957674eec2d1d09c name=participation_and_reason username=robertorocco tag=participation unit=px id=f8335ef6-773d-f10c-98bf-0051cc2fef56 v=2]   This the second lecture of the series ‘Governance for Urbanism’, where I contrast two terms relevant for spatial planing and design. In this presentation, i contrast ‘Participation’ and ‘Reason’. This lecture presents the fundamental philosophical arguments for participation in urban development, discusses the...
Justina Muliuolyte and Tadas Jonauskis, former students of Complex Cities, win EUROPAN11 Architectural Competition

Justina Muliuolyte and Tadas Jonauskis, former students of Complex Cities, win EUROPAN11 Architectural Competition

Justina Muliuolyte, Tadas Jonauskis and Lukas Rekevicius won the EUROPAN11 architectural competition MULTITALENTED CITY – design proposal for Reims in France.   TU Delft spatial planning students win prestigious Europan award with proposals to transform a university campus into a self-sufficient Multitalented City. Europan is a biennial competition for young architects under 40 years old organized by the...
Governance Lectures: Property X Justice

Governance Lectures: Property X Justice

Governance Lecture Series 1: Governance for Urbanism View more presentations from Roberto Rocco Please follow and like us:
Complex Cities: All our graphic material for communication

Complex Cities: All our graphic material for communication

Complex Cities, a set on Flickr. This is the graphic material and communication of the graduation studio Complex Cities, Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy, TU Delft. Feel free to download, but please quote the source! Please follow and like us:

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