Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Developing countries
Join upcoming P1 presentations of Planning Complex Cities graduation students!

Join upcoming P1 presentations of Planning Complex Cities graduation students!

On Wednesday 7 November 2018, 8.45 – 16.45, Room R and Room E*, current Planning Complex Cities graduation students will present their work for a first assessment of their MSc Urbanism graduation progress. They will show their thesis plans which set out the problem fields, research aims and questions as well as initial theoretical and...
Complex cities graduation: Upcoming presentations

Complex cities graduation: Upcoming presentations

Between 11-1-2018 and 23-1-2018 Complex cities graduation students present their thesis plans and preliminary research during the second assessment of their graduation projects. For the program and brief descriptions of their graduation topics, please see announcements on our dedicated complex cities website. An overview is provided here. Presentations can be attended. We invite all who have an...
Urban Thinkers Campus TU Delft REPORT ONLINE!

Urban Thinkers Campus TU Delft REPORT ONLINE!

 The preliminary online report on the UTC (Urban Thinkers Campus) organised at Tu delft between 7 and 9  June is on-line, at the World Urban Campaign (UN –Habitat) website. There is also a more journalistic version available on the WUC platform newsletter ‘On the road’ CITISCOPE also published an interview with RobertoRocco on the UTC....
Rethinking Urban Global Justice: An international academic conference for critical urban studies

Rethinking Urban Global Justice: An international academic conference for critical urban studies

Rethinking Urban Global Justice: An international academic conference for critical urban studies RC21 Leeds : September 11-13, 2017 Roberto Rocco is convening a track in the next RC21 Conference in Leeds titled “The Political Meaning of Informal Urbanisation: Building democracy while building the city”, based on the work he has been developing with Jan van...
IMPLEMENTING THE NEW URBAN planning AGENDA, GUEST-LECTURE/Workshop - Tuesday 17.01.2017, 12.30 – TU DELFT, NL

IMPLEMENTING THE NEW URBAN planning AGENDA, GUEST-LECTURE/Workshop – Tuesday 17.01.2017, 12.30 – TU DELFT, NL

The New Urban Agenda 2016-2036 was approved by the United Nations on 20 October 2016 in Quito, Ecuador, endorsed by 167 countries, including all EU countries. The ancient city of Quito ‘in the middle of the earth’, now the highest capital city in the world, is demonstrating the local leadership needed to make a more...
Simone Rots: The Squatted New Town: Modernism meets informality. March 31, THU, 12h30-13h30 room 01WEST060

Simone Rots: The Squatted New Town: Modernism meets informality. March 31, THU, 12h30-13h30 room 01WEST060

You are cordially invited to attend the Spatial Planning Seminar The Squatted New Town: Modernism meets informality. Venezuelan cases March 31, THU, 12h30-13h30 room 01WEST060 @Bouwkunde, Julianalaan 134, Delft By Simone Rots PhD candidate at the Delft University of Technology, faculty of Urbanism Researcher at The International New Town Institute (INTI) Keywords: New Town, Modern Movement,...
“CONFRONTING INFORMALITY: Informal Urbanisation: Understanding and Mitigating a Global Phenomenon”  Thursday, March 17th, 2016, from 09:00 – 17:00 at TU Delft

“CONFRONTING INFORMALITY: Informal Urbanisation: Understanding and Mitigating a Global Phenomenon” Thursday, March 17th, 2016, from 09:00 – 17:00 at TU Delft

Dear TU Delft Spatial Planning and Strategy friend, You are cordially invited to attend the he 2016’s symposium “CONFRONTING INFORMALITY: Informal Urbanisation: Understanding and Mitigating a Global Phenomenon” Thursday, March 17th, 2016, from 09:00 – 17:00 at BOUWKUNDE (the Faculty of Architecture of the TU Delft, Julianalaan 134, Delft), at Berlagezaal The third edition of this symposium will...
Globalisation Studio final presentations

Globalisation Studio final presentations

Students on the 2015 Globalisation Free Choice Studio made their final presentations in June. The Studio was based on urban development and spatial planning in the context of flood risk management in Buenos Aires, Argentina. One team from Argentina joined the presentations in Delft together with Profession Flavio Janches of the University of Buenos Aires...
The Bartlett DPU Summer Lab series 2015

The Bartlett DPU Summer Lab series 2015

Dear friend and colleague We are delighted to finally announce the launch of the DPU summerLab 2015 series. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, the DPU summerLab – by now five years old – is a unique platform for one-week design workshops in urban contested spaces. Through the summerLab, we have been partnering...
Roberto Rocco gives an online lecture for Rutgers University

Roberto Rocco gives an online lecture for Rutgers University

Roberto Rocco presented a lecture for the course INTERNATIONAL URBANISATION AND HOUSING ISSUES at Rutgers University, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, March 30, 2015. This course is coordinated by Professor Mi Shih. You can see the lecture here.     The political meaning of informal urbanisation: exploring meaning of positive and negative rights...
Monica Haddad: Associate Professor of Community and Regional Planning, Iowa State University at BK 26 March 12h30

Monica Haddad: Associate Professor of Community and Regional Planning, Iowa State University at BK 26 March 12h30

Monica Haddad will present the lecture “Spatial Tools for Analyzing Urban Structures” at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft on March 26 from 12h30 to 13h30, BK, room 1WEST290 Monica is Associate Professor at the department of Community and Regional Planning, College of Design, Iowa State University.  Her field...
NALACS Thesis Award held in Amsterdam 27 FEB 2015

NALACS Thesis Award held in Amsterdam 27 FEB 2015

The winner of the NALACS Thesis Award 2013-2014 is Gijs Steinmann, with his thesis on ‘Reconciling Legal Pluralism with Equal Citizenship: Colombian Multiculturalism and the Recognition of Wayú Customary Law’ (UU). The NALACS Thesis Award is promoted by NALACS, the Netherlands Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and took place last FEB 27 at...

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