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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Akkelies van Nes invited as a key note speaker on the international women's day

Akkelies van Nes invited as a key note speaker on the international women’s day

Akkelies van Nes was invited to give a keynote lecture at the Norwegian dwelling and urban planning association ( BOBY ) on the international women’s day 8th March 2016. The title on the lecture was: “Kvinnestrategi og -kultur innen byplanlegging” (translated to: “Female strategy and culture in urban planning”). The main message of this lecture is that...
Third International Conference:  NEW URBAN LANGUAGES: TALES AND IMAGES OF SPATIAL JUSTICE (TU Delft 24-26 JUN 2015)

Third International Conference: NEW URBAN LANGUAGES: TALES AND IMAGES OF SPATIAL JUSTICE (TU Delft 24-26 JUN 2015)

The 3rd International Conference “New Urban Languages: Tales and Images of Spatial Justice” took place from June 24 to 26 2015 at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft (Bouwkunde). The Conference is a joint initiative of the Politecnico di Milano (Department of Architecture and Urban Studies), the Politecnica of...
Urbanism students present in Taiwan

Urbanism students present in Taiwan

Presentations of Urbanism studio work by Wenchi Yang and Sebastiaan Huls made a big impact at the iCities conference at the National Cheng Kong University, Tainan, Taiwan in May. Their presentations on studio work from the IJssel-Vecht-Delta / Zwolle region and Sāo Paulo, Brazil raised by far the most questions and comments from the audience....


TRACK 02: TERRITORIAL COHESION IN THE MULTI-ACTOR ARENA   Co-chairs: Dominic Stead (TU Delft) , Juho Luukkonen (University of Oulu) The EU concept of territorial cohesion is being increasingly used to frame spatial planning and regional development policies at different spatial scales across Europe (and beyond). Addressing the issue of territorial cohesion (and also social and...
Marcin Dąbrowski publishes a commentary on EU financial instruments for urban development in CritCom

Marcin Dąbrowski publishes a commentary on EU financial instruments for urban development in CritCom

In the context of a severe economic crisis and austerity, new ideas were put forward to reform cohesion policy to enhance its often-contested effectiveness and returns on investment. One of them were financial engineering instruments, such as the Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas (JESSICA) introduced during the 2007–2013 period, expected to...
Roberto Rocco teaches at the Media Technology MSC  Leiden University

Roberto Rocco teaches at the Media Technology MSC Leiden University

Maarten Lamers is a board member of the Media Technology MSc program at Leiden University. He coordinates an introductory-science course together with Bas Haring, in which the role of creativity in scientific research is central. Please follow and like us:
Spatial Planning at iCities 2014 Conference at NCKU, Taiwan

Spatial Planning at iCities 2014 Conference at NCKU, Taiwan

In October 2014, NCKU hold the iCities  “Workshop on Workshop” – a special event devoted to the discussions of “workshops” “Workshop as we know is an educational activity with emerging significance in planning and design education. In the dictionary, workshop is defined as “a meeting at which a group of people engaging in intensive discussion...
My new life as professor at University College Bergen in Norway

My new life as professor at University College Bergen in Norway

My new life as professor at University College Bergen in Norway Akkelies van Nes Now I am working as a professor in Land use planning at the University College Bergen, department of Civil engineering in Bergen in Norway. One of my tasks is to make a new master program in land use planning. We aim...
New Urban Languages Conference 2nd edition with TU Delft participation

New Urban Languages Conference 2nd edition with TU Delft participation

The  New Urban Languages Conference is organised by the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies DAStU of the Politecnico di Milano, the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura ETSA of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and now also by the Group of Spatial Planning and Strategy of the Delft University of Technology.  The theme of the second edition of the conference was  Re-thinking...
Dorina Pojani practices what she preaches: featured article on TU Delft Campus newspaper

Dorina Pojani practices what she preaches: featured article on TU Delft Campus newspaper

This month, Dorina Pojani, post-doc researcher of the Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy/OTB, was featured on the pages of the TU Delft on campus newspaper DELTA.  The newspaper publishes profiles of staff and students using well-humoured descriptions  their bikes as leverage. Dorina Pojani is a postdoctoral fellow in the Spatial Planning and Strategy group of...
Lidewij Tummers at seminar "Divercity, city of the future" organised by the city of Berlin

Lidewij Tummers at seminar “Divercity, city of the future” organised by the city of Berlin

On 24-25 October 2013 the Senat of Berlin called together experts on gender, urban renewal, housing, planning and transport for a seminar under the title “Divercity, city of the future”. In a varied and dense program, valuable input was generated about innovative solutions for Berlin housing policies and planning for 2030. SP&S member of staff Lidewij...
Akkelies van Nes keynote speaker at the first Geodesign Summit

Akkelies van Nes keynote speaker at the first Geodesign Summit

 Akkelies van Nes was keynote speaker at the first Geodesign Summit Europe conference, held at the unique GeoFort on 19-20 September 2013. For a complete overview of speakers at this conference, please click HERE. Akkelies  gave a short introduction on Space Syntax that is useful for all willing to understand the principles of this innovative tool...

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