Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

ESPON policy brief ‘Cross-fertilisation of cohesion policy and spatial planning’ published!

ESPON policy brief ‘Cross-fertilisation of cohesion policy and spatial planning’ published!

The ESPON policy brief ‘Cross-fertilisation of cohesion policy and spatial planning’, prepared by a team of researchers at SP&S, European Policies Research Centre (EPRC), and Czech University of Life Science, has just been published. It is incumbent on governments at all levels to ensure that cohesion policy is efficient and helps deliver territorial cohesion. Spatial...
The Morning After, a text by Andreas Faludi

The Morning After, a text by Andreas Faludi

The Morning After In my last blog I refused to reply myself to the Gretchenfrage: Should I vote for Volt? The new kid on the block would have to gain at least one out of every 150 votes cast and, anyhow, should I change horses midway? And does Volt suit my preferences? Am I still...
Theorising Borders and Identity, a text by Andreas Faludi

Theorising Borders and Identity, a text by Andreas Faludi

At Radboud University Nijmegen I met Peter Weichhart who gave a paper. The published version refers to my joint paper with Earnest Alexander on planning doctrine. (Alexander, Faludi 1996) In Faludi (2018, 49) I distance myself somewhat from planning doctrine. Its strength was in explaining the onetime success of Dutch national planning, prefaced as it...
A European Republic? Text by Andreas Faludi

A European Republic? Text by Andreas Faludi

Austrian radio is my antidote to BBC World and the Dutch Evening News. On 27 May the latter featured Ulrike Guérot whose campaign for a European republic (Guérot 2019) I was familiar with, so I listened. With German and French academic qualifications, she divorced her French husband – hence the name – has grown-up children...
AESOP Round Table on Faludi's "The Poverty of New Territorialism"

AESOP Round Table on Faludi’s “The Poverty of New Territorialism”

At the Annual Congress of the Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP (Venice, 9 – 13 July, 2019), Giancarlo Cotella (Politecnico di Torino) convened a Round Table on my book. I briefly defined (state) territorialism, making the case for and against, including the part it has in the EU crisis. With Jan Zielonka (2014)...
Join upcoming P1 presentations of Planning Complex Cities graduation students!

Join upcoming P1 presentations of Planning Complex Cities graduation students!

On Wednesday 7 November 2018, 8.45 – 16.45, Room R and Room E*, current Planning Complex Cities graduation students will present their work for a first assessment of their MSc Urbanism graduation progress. They will show their thesis plans which set out the problem fields, research aims and questions as well as initial theoretical and...
Look up recent Complex cities graduates!

Look up recent Complex cities graduates!

Planning Complex Cities graduations consider spatial planning and territorial governance schemes in regions, and investigate how these can be improved to achieve more sustainable spatial outcomes. Basic starting points in graduations are observations of disparities in the distribution of spatial resources across territories, in China, Europe or the Global South. Conclusions  recommend institutional change and demonstrate, by means...
H2020 COHESIFY project final conference

H2020 COHESIFY project final conference

The COHESIFY project (COHESIFY – Understanding the Impact of EU Cohesion Policy on European Identification), supported as part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, is coming to an end. The project kept busy a good part of our section (Marcin Dąbrowski, Ana Maria Fernandez Maldonado, Roberto Rocco, Dominic Stead, Wil Zonneveld and Vincent Nadin) and...
Complex cities graduation: Upcoming presentations

Complex cities graduation: Upcoming presentations

Between 11-1-2018 and 23-1-2018 Complex cities graduation students present their thesis plans and preliminary research during the second assessment of their graduation projects. For the program and brief descriptions of their graduation topics, please see announcements on our dedicated complex cities website. An overview is provided here. Presentations can be attended. We invite all who have an...
MOT celebrates its twentieth birthday

MOT celebrates its twentieth birthday

    MOT is the acronym for Mission Opértionelle Transfrontalière, or Transfrontier Operational Mission association set up by the French government in 1997, reason why it is celebrating its twentieth birthday at the end of November of 2017. (See picture) .The venue is the Brussels premises of the Committee of the Regions. I am infatuated...
Cross-border planning in the Danube Region, by Andreas Faludi

Cross-border planning in the Danube Region, by Andreas Faludi

End of November 2017, Andreas Faludi is chairing this panel at the Conference on Macro-regional policy challenges and best practice solutions for cross-border planning, governance and interoperability. Faludi writes: My statement to participants states the obvious: Crossing borders can be hard business. I could have given the example of my mother crossing the Hungarian-Austrian border...
Conference SHAPING REGIONAL FUTURES: Designing and visioning in governance rescaling

Conference SHAPING REGIONAL FUTURES: Designing and visioning in governance rescaling

On 18th and 19th of May 2017 the conference SHAPING REGIONAL FUTURES: Designing and visioning in governance rescaling took place at the Medici Riccardi Palace in Florence. During the conference the roles of regional design and visioning in the formation of regional territorial governance were discussed. The conference aimed at an increased understanding of how...

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