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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Evert Meijers
What we talk about when we talk (again) about Secondary Cities

What we talk about when we talk (again) about Secondary Cities

A new book is out with contributions from Rodrigo Cardoso (SPS, Urbanism) and Evert Meijers (Utrecht University, formerly TU Delft Urbanism) and it opens up wholly new ways of thinking about the secondary city experience in the Global North. Secondary cities “are intuitively obvious but empirically slippery”, claim the editors. They are the smaller cities...
New Special Issue on the process of metropolisation - by Rodrigo Cardoso and Evert Meijers

New Special Issue on the process of metropolisation – by Rodrigo Cardoso and Evert Meijers

The first issue of 2021 of Urban Geography is a special issue guest edited by Rodrigo Cardoso and Evert Meijers. Based on our long-standing research agenda and several special sessions in conferences, we joined forces with other authors to consolidate the concept of metropolisation as a lens to examine regional and metropolitan integration processes. We...
Evert Meijers: "Good fences make good neighbour cities? SPS Seminar, June 4

Evert Meijers: “Good fences make good neighbour cities? SPS Seminar, June 4

Evert Meijers presented his work as part of the NAPOLEON project at a seminar as part of the Spatial Planning and Strategy Seminar series on 4th of June 2015. He explored the concept of  “borrowed size” in Dutch planning and its implications for regional development. ‘Good fences make good neighbours’ is a proverb that has...

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