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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Global South
The New Urban Normal: publication out

The New Urban Normal: publication out

Our new publication *The New Urban Normal: Urban Sustainability and Resilience Post-COVID-19* is out and available for download from this LINK. This is the result of the online Urban Thinkers Campus with the same title organised by the Global Urban Laband the group of TU Delft Spatial Planning and Strategy in June 2020. This book was...
Video: Policy transfer, diffusion and translation in territorial governance and spatial planning in the Global South

Video: Policy transfer, diffusion and translation in territorial governance and spatial planning in the Global South

Online seminar: Policy transfer, diffusion and translation in territorial governance and spatial planning in the Global South Convenors: Francesca Blanc, Giancarlo Cotella (Politecnico di Torino), Marcin Dąbrowski (TU Delft)  26 October 2020   The seminar was organised jointly by planning scholars from DIST/POLITO and the Spatial Planning and Strategy section of the Department of Urbanism,...
Handbook on Informal Urbanisation featured by Politecnico di Milano

Handbook on Informal Urbanisation featured by Politecnico di Milano

Roberto Rocco’s and Jan van Ballegooijen’s book “The Routledge Book on Informal Urbanisation” is featured as “book of the month” at Politecnico di Milano’s library. 2020 will see the publication of the paperback version. For more information about the book, please visit ROUTLEDGE Books. Please follow and like us:
Summer School Planning and Design with Water and Delft Global welcome young African teacher

Summer School Planning and Design with Water and Delft Global welcome young African teacher

Njabulo Ngcobo, School of Built Environment of the University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa My general impression of the 2018 TU Delft summer school on “Planning and Design with Water for Sustainability” is that it was a well-organized and it was a successful project.  The summer school in TU Delft offered a conducive environment for the...
Look up recent Complex cities graduates!

Look up recent Complex cities graduates!

Planning Complex Cities graduations consider spatial planning and territorial governance schemes in regions, and investigate how these can be improved to achieve more sustainable spatial outcomes. Basic starting points in graduations are observations of disparities in the distribution of spatial resources across territories, in China, Europe or the Global South. Conclusions  recommend institutional change and demonstrate, by means...
Confronting Informality Symposium and Ideas Competition Report Online!

Confronting Informality Symposium and Ideas Competition Report Online!

Preserving Communities and Creating Public Goods in Informal Settlements. This version of the report contains all 20 finalists (including the 3 winners and 2 honourable mentions). Please follow and like us:
What organisations can help TU Delft fund more students from the Global South to come to our Summer School Planning and Design with Water?

What organisations can help TU Delft fund more students from the Global South to come to our Summer School Planning and Design with Water?

A question to all planners and designers, policy makers and NGO people out there. What organisations could help us (TU Delft) fund students from the Global South who wish to come to our Summer School Planning and Design with Water? Would you please give us suggestions below? This is the letter we have prepared: Dear...
Urban Thinkers Campus TU Delft REPORT ONLINE!

Urban Thinkers Campus TU Delft REPORT ONLINE!

 The preliminary online report on the UTC (Urban Thinkers Campus) organised at Tu delft between 7 and 9  June is on-line, at the World Urban Campaign (UN –Habitat) website. There is also a more journalistic version available on the WUC platform newsletter ‘On the road’ CITISCOPE also published an interview with RobertoRocco on the UTC....
Complex Cities Graduation Studio at the Department of Urbanism

Complex Cities Graduation Studio at the Department of Urbanism

Our Complex Cities studio at MSc Urbanism of the  Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment TU Delft is quite old and experienced. It has been functioning at least from 2006 (some say 2000, because they connect it to the Globalisation Studio the managed by Dr. Marisa Carmona). The graduation studio is currently being managed by...
IMPLEMENTING THE NEW URBAN planning AGENDA, GUEST-LECTURE/Workshop - Tuesday 17.01.2017, 12.30 – TU DELFT, NL

IMPLEMENTING THE NEW URBAN planning AGENDA, GUEST-LECTURE/Workshop – Tuesday 17.01.2017, 12.30 – TU DELFT, NL

The New Urban Agenda 2016-2036 was approved by the United Nations on 20 October 2016 in Quito, Ecuador, endorsed by 167 countries, including all EU countries. The ancient city of Quito ‘in the middle of the earth’, now the highest capital city in the world, is demonstrating the local leadership needed to make a more...
Habitat III Report: What happened in Quito? Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado and Roberto Rocco report

Habitat III Report: What happened in Quito? Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado and Roberto Rocco report

On 29 November 2016, from 12:30 to 13:30, Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado and Roberto Rocco will give an account of the Habitat III Conference that took place between 17 and 20 October in Quito, Ecuador. They will discuss the conference, as well as the likely impact of the New Urban Agenda and its implications for education and...

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