Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Graduation project
Upcoming final presentations of Complex cities graduation students

Upcoming final presentations of Complex cities graduation students

Complex cities graduation students have worked over the past year on research and design projects at the common interest of and with SP&S researchers. They are now about to present their final outcomes. For a program of their presentations, please see here. Please note that a few upcoming P5 presentations are not listed yet, because...
Complex Cities Graduation Studio at the Department of Urbanism

Complex Cities Graduation Studio at the Department of Urbanism

Our Complex Cities studio at MSc Urbanism of the  Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment TU Delft is quite old and experienced. It has been functioning at least from 2006 (some say 2000, because they connect it to the Globalisation Studio the managed by Dr. Marisa Carmona). The graduation studio is currently being managed by...
Complex Cities graduations – detailed descriptions available.

Complex Cities graduations – detailed descriptions available.

  The Complex Cities research group* has formulated a set of research and design projects for Master of Science Urbanism graduations, starting in the fall semester 2015. Please find an updated and detailed description of these via this site: https://complexcitiesstudio.wordpress.com/ . Projects are defined to enhance the relation among research and education. They are meant to inspire...
Urbanism Alumni exhibit their work at the iCities conference at the National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

Urbanism Alumni exhibit their work at the iCities conference at the National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

Four Urbanism alumni have exhibited their graduation work at the iCities 2013 conference at the National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. iCities is the international Forum on Innovative Planning. The theme of this year’s conference was “Operating Sustainability: Teaching Sustainability on Planning Education”. CLICK HERE for the conference website. Alumni were selected based on their excellent...
Students from the Graduation Studios in Urbanism at TU Delft present at Methodology Course

Students from the Graduation Studios in Urbanism at TU Delft present at Methodology Course

Bart van Leeuwen‎ (Urban Regeneration); Emma Grün (Complex Cities)‎; Erjen Prins (Vertical Cities Asia)‎; and Evelien van Winsen ‎(Design and Politics) presented the state of their on-going graduation work to MSc2 students in the Methodology course. The idea was to introduce first year students to the work of the Graduation Studios through the work of their students....
Edwin Hans' graduation project is selected for publication in Blauwe Kamer

Edwin Hans’ graduation project is selected for publication in Blauwe Kamer

The graduation project of Edwin Hans (Complex Cities 2012) has been selected for publication in the prestigious magazine Blauwe Kamer. Edwin was supervised by Francisco Colombo, senior planner and designer at the Province of South Holland and teacher at the Complex Cities studio. His second mentor was Luisa Calabrese, urban designer and associate professor at TU...
Best papers of the 9th edition of Graduation Lab Urbanism Conference available online

Best papers of the 9th edition of Graduation Lab Urbanism Conference available online

[issuu width=420 height=272 backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=120522135647-4dff0a021af146d6993fc964e0fa28b7 name=9th_glu_conference username=robertorocco tag=graduation unit=px v=2] These are the proccedings of the 9th Graduation Lab Urbanism TU Delft Conference. Every year, Remon Rooij and Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado promote a mini-conference to present the best papers produced for the course AR3U010 Theory of Urbanism. Students are supposed to develop an academic paper...
Aart de Koning wins KIVI-NIRIA Cuperusprijs

Aart de Koning wins KIVI-NIRIA Cuperusprijs

We are very proud to announce that a former student of SPS won this prestigious prize and we congratulate him! The prize is given every two years to the best master thesis in the field of transport planning in the Netherlands. Aart de Koning conducted research into a new public transport system for the harbour...
Students presentations available in BLOG

Students presentations available in BLOG

The results of the 2nd assessment moment of the Masters of Urbanism, Complex Cities Graduation Studio is available at our BLOG. The presentations give an overview of the themes and methods being developed by students of the Graduation Studio and are available for download. Visit the Complex Cities Graduation Studio BLOG. Please follow and like...
Complex Cities student Hanne van den Berg selected as ‘Best TU Delft graduate'

Complex Cities student Hanne van den Berg selected as ‘Best TU Delft graduate’

This is a transcription of the article published by the BK-City News on 10.11.2011. For the original article, please visit here. Hanne van den Berg selected as ‘Best TU Delft graduate’ 10 November 2011 by M&C Architecture student Hanne van den Berg (MSc, Urbanism) has been selected for the UfD-Mecanoo ‘Best TU Delft Graduate’ prize for...

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