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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Two journal papers in Built Environment

Two journal papers in Built Environment

A special issue of Built Environment (Vol. 43, No. 2) published in July 2017, edited by Ceren Sezer and Matej Nikšič, was dedicated to Public Space and Urban Justice. The special issue responds to the increased interest in public space as a facilitator of urban justice. It presents contributions which explore the practical implications of...
TU Delft top of URAP urban planning rankings

TU Delft top of URAP urban planning rankings

TU Delft top of Urban Planning rankings The first international ranking in the topic of  ‘urban planning’ places TU Delft in first place. The University Ranking of Academic Performance prepared by METU is based on quality and quantity of scholarly publications and applies to the whole university. Therefore all publications in qualifying journals by TU Delft...
New issue of Built Environment: Evaluating the New Charter of Athens 2003

New issue of Built Environment: Evaluating the New Charter of Athens 2003

The new issue of Built Environment features articles focusing on ‘Evaluating the New Charter of Athens 2003. The journal is edited by Ina Klaasen and Wil Zonneveld. “The European Council of Town Planners (ECTP) is confident that in the 21st century Europe will advance decisively towards the goal of integration. Within this developing framework, the ECTP presents a common and widely shared...
Dominic Stead nominated to editorial board of 'European Planning Studies'

Dominic Stead nominated to editorial board of ‘European Planning Studies’

  In recognition of his scholarship and expertise in planning studies, Dominic Stead (associate professor of urban and regional planning) has been nominated as a new member of the editorial board of the journal European Planning Studies. The journal is a well-respected and firmly-established planning journal published by Taylor and Francis in cooperation with the...

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