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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Contribution to Planning theory (PT) talks @ RWTH Aachen

Contribution to Planning theory (PT) talks @ RWTH Aachen

In June 2019 Verena Balz was invited to contribute to PT.talks, a series of guest lectures organized by the chair of Planning Theory and Urban Development at the RWTH University in Aachen, Germany. In her presentation she elaborated the use of regional design in Dutch planning. The visit to the university allowed also for a...
Invited lecture: Urban policy and neighbourhood transformation in the Netherlands

Invited lecture: Urban policy and neighbourhood transformation in the Netherlands

Ceren Sezer is invited by the Lucerne University of Applied Science and Arts to give a lecture about urban policy and transformation of immigrant neighbourhoods in the Netherlands. This lecture will take place during the International Summer School on Interdisciplinary Urban and Community Planning on July 2 2019 . The summer school is organised by the Lucerne University...
Lunch talk in Cosmopolis / Brussels Center for Urban Studies

Lunch talk in Cosmopolis / Brussels Center for Urban Studies

Ceren Sezer is invited to give a lunch talk in Vrije Universiteit Brussel – the Brussels Center for Urban Studies about her research on the recent urban transformation processes in Amsterdam. Date: June 6, 2019. Location: Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Geography Dept. – Room F 4.66 – Pleinlaan 2, BE1050 Brussels More information: http://www.cosmopolis.be/news-event/cosmopolis-lunch-seminar-ceren-sezer-tu-delft-visibility-public-space-and-socially      ...
Invited talk at National University of Singapore

Invited talk at National University of Singapore

Ceren Sezer is invited by National University of Singapore (NUS) to give a talk about the recent urban transformation processes in Amsterdam and their impacts on immigrant neighbourhoods. This lecture will be on Thursday, October 25 at 6p.m in Department of Architecture, School of Design and Environment (Lecture room: LR423). Please follow and like us:
Lecture: Mapping as a research tool

Lecture: Mapping as a research tool

Ceren Sezer is invited to give a lecture in Leiden University about mapping as a research tool in 14th April 2017. This lecture will be a part of a series of expert lectures organised for the PhD candidates within the course ‘Mixed Methods in the Social Sciences and the Humanities’. The lecture presents mapping as a creative visual tool, which...
Rio’s Olympic Legacy: Missed opportunities Dr Roberto Rocco (TU Delft) Monday 2 May, 18.30 – 20.00 at the Erasmus University College

Rio’s Olympic Legacy: Missed opportunities Dr Roberto Rocco (TU Delft) Monday 2 May, 18.30 – 20.00 at the Erasmus University College

Rio’s Olympic Legacy: Missed opportunities Dr Roberto Rocco, TU Delft Monday 2 May, 18.30 – 20.00 Erasmus University College, Nieuwemarkt, 1A,  Rotterdam (next to Rotterdam Blaak Station) This lecture introduces the socio-political context in which the Rio 2016 Olympics will take place and addresses the limitations of the Olympic legacy for the city of Rio...
Rotterdam Urban Lectures: public lecture series on cities and urban issues

Rotterdam Urban Lectures: public lecture series on cities and urban issues

Rotterdam Urban Lectures Erasmus University College Erasmus University College is launching a new public lecture series on cities and urban issues. All are invited to attend. We have a program of distinguished scholars from the Netherlands and beyond who will be giving informative and accessible lectures aimed at stimulating debate and challenging some of the...
UCL Planning students on a visit to Bouwkunde

UCL Planning students on a visit to Bouwkunde

A group of students and staff from the Bartlett School of Planning (UCL) led by Ben Clifford (course director)  visited the section of Spatial Planning of the TU Delft on FEB 16, 2016. The group composed by 30 students and 3 staff members was introduced to the Department of Urbanism and had lectures on the Spatial Structure of the Randstad (by...
Marcin Dąbrowski's lecture on adaptive cities at Urban Studies Foundation symposium

Marcin Dąbrowski’s lecture on adaptive cities at Urban Studies Foundation symposium

Marcin Dąbrowski presented his research on governance challenges in climate change adaptation in the Dutch and Chinese delta cities as a lecture at a symposium organised by the Urban Studies Foundation (USF) at the University of Glasgow. Marcin’s research is conducted as part of a USF postdoctoral research fellowship. You can see the video here:...
Urbanism students present in Taiwan

Urbanism students present in Taiwan

Presentations of Urbanism studio work by Wenchi Yang and Sebastiaan Huls made a big impact at the iCities conference at the National Cheng Kong University, Tainan, Taiwan in May. Their presentations on studio work from the IJssel-Vecht-Delta / Zwolle region and Sāo Paulo, Brazil raised by far the most questions and comments from the audience....
Christopher Choa, head of Urban Development for AECOM at TU Delft:  The Rise of Sharing: Commodity vs. Experience

Christopher Choa, head of Urban Development for AECOM at TU Delft: The Rise of Sharing: Commodity vs. Experience

Christopher Choa, head of Urban Development for AECOM, delivered a talk as part of the SPS seminar series on 2 June: The Rise of Sharing: Commodity vs. Experience Generational change has always been correlated with evolution in the physical environment.  What are some of the practical impacts of GenY on real estate development?   For...
Roberto Rocco teaches at the Media Technology MSC  Leiden University

Roberto Rocco teaches at the Media Technology MSC Leiden University

Maarten Lamers is a board member of the Media Technology MSc program at Leiden University. He coordinates an introductory-science course together with Bas Haring, in which the role of creativity in scientific research is central. Please follow and like us:

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