Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Roberto Rocco discussant at CEDLA Ester Limonad's lecture

Roberto Rocco discussant at CEDLA Ester Limonad’s lecture

Roberto Rocco was discussant for Ester Limonad’s lecture at CEDLA (Center for Latin American Research and Documentation) of the University of Amsterdam. Limonad is professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and is spending a period as guest scholar at the University of Leiden. Limonad talked about past and recent trends in Brazilian...


SAVE THE DATE FOR DEVELOPMENT! 19th of March 2014 AFTERNOON Students of the EXPLORE LAB GRAD STUDIO of TU Delft with the support of the CHAIR SPATIAL PLANNING AND STRATEGY will promote an event about the tools of knowledge and methodologies that can be applied in the built environment where informal processes are closely interrelated...
Taneha Bacchin presents at the SPS SEMINAR SERIES on NOV 14

Taneha Bacchin presents at the SPS SEMINAR SERIES on NOV 14

We cordially invite you to the next seminar of our SPS seminar series 2013-2014. Our colleague Taneha Bacchin from the chair of Environmental Technology & Design (led by Professor Arjan van Timmeren) will talk about “A multi-scale approach in the planning and design of green-blue cities”. Taneha is a PhD candidate at TU Delft and...
Speed dating your design

Speed dating your design

Speed dating your design, a set on Flickr. This is an exercise we conduct with MSc1 students at the Department of Urbanism of the TU Delft. The idea is to make them aware of the necessity to structure the narratives that accompany their research and design projects. In pairs, students need to tell one another...
Lecture: Contribution to the series ‘Public Transport as Urban Generator’

Lecture: Contribution to the series ‘Public Transport as Urban Generator’

On occasion of the University Colloquium ‘Public Transport as Urban Generator’ and on invitation of the Technical University of Munich and the Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft (MVG, Munich Transport Corporation), Verena Balz gave a lecture entiteled ‘From Concepts to Projects: Stedenbaan, The Netherlands’ in Munich. In her lecture she reflected on a design approach to the integration...
Andreas Faludi on Territory and Territoriality.

Andreas Faludi on Territory and Territoriality.

During the fourth meeting on OTB/Urbanism joint research themes, held on the 10th of April, 15.00-17.00 at the Hugo Priemus Zaal, OTB, Andeas Faludi will discuss his recent work on territorial cohesion, territorialism and territoriality.  He will review these concepts central to European spatial planning as well as related forms of planning to argue ‘…that...
100 grad students from the University of the West of England at TU Delft

100 grad students from the University of the West of England at TU Delft

The chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy has received 100 grad students and teachers from the Planning Course at the University of the West of England (UWE) at Bristol. The 100 students and teachers were led by Marcus Grant of the Institute of Sustainability, Health and Environment of the UWE. The Chair of Spatial Planning...
The Great Planning Game

The Great Planning Game

This is a game based on a paper by Karina Sehested from the UNiversity of Copenhagen. (SEHESTED, K. 2010. Urban Planners as Network Managers and Metagovernors, Planning Theory & Practice 10:2, 245-263). The aim of this game is to familiarize students with the different roles and combinations of roles they can play in network governance...
Territorial Governance

Territorial Governance

The 2nd meeting on OTB-Urbanism Joint Research Themes took place on November 21st at the Hugo Priemus zaal at the OTB. The aim of the meeting was to bring aspects of territorial governance that are addressed in ongoing research in both groups to the foreground. Roberto Rocco gave a general introduction on governance. In this...
Lecture Issues of Governance in Regional Planning

Lecture Issues of Governance in Regional Planning

[issuu width=420 height=158 backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=121122153313-add6dcb4df4641578fd9890f7232f464 name=issues_of_governance_in_regional_planning username=robertorocco tag=city-regions unit=px v=2] Issues of Governance in Regional Planning. This a lecture given at the seminar Regional Governance Planning and Design on November 21st at the OTB Research Institute. The lecture was prepared by Roberto Rocco. The seminar was organized by Professor Wil Zonneveld, Verena Balz and Roberto...
Regional Governance and Design

Regional Governance and Design

On the 21st of November, from 15.00 to 17.30, we will hold a second meeting on the OTB-Urbanism Joint Research Themes at the Hugo Priemus Room at OTB. In this meeting we will focus on the theme ‘Regional Governance and Design’. Research that relates to this theme concerns the policy, politics and administration of territory...
Keynote presentation in Taipei

Keynote presentation in Taipei

Vincent Nadin gave the keynote presentation to the International Symposium of Urban Planning (ISUP) at the National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan. The symposium brings together researchers on urban planning from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and many other east Asian countries. Vincent made a presentation on the dominant models and trends in strategic planning...

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