Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

500 members at SPS LindekIN Group!

500 members at SPS LindekIN Group!

Carolina Lima, a PhD Candidate from the Bauhaus University at Weimar (Germany) was the 500th person to join the LinkedIN group of Spatial Planning and Strategy. This is a great reason for celebration. As a THANK YOU present, we will send Carolina the book THE DUTCH METROPOLIS by professor Maurits de Hoog, a beautiful book...

May 2009 RPS Text: Spatial Planning and Strategy (Ruimtelijke Planning en Strategie)

Spatial planning and strategy is a core chair in the Faculty of Architecture concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools – visions, strategies, plans and programmes. We are particularly interested in how intervention through spatial planning can meet the challenge of territorial management in the context of...

May 2009 RPS: Chair Message

“The Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy is building on a rich tradition of analysis of urban development and spatial planning in global networked city regions like the Randstad. Our ambition is to become a leading centre and preferred partner for the study of complex urban regions, and particularly the cross-national comparison of models of...

House Style Tool Box

Various Guide from TU Delft than can be applied to maintain consistency. (material is retrieved from http://cms2.tudelft.nl/live/pagina.jsp?id=305976e8-bfa9-495d-81bd-fee8ad038945&lang=en) The basic rules for the TU Delft house style 1. The TU Delft logo – Preferred logo: the logo with the descriptor ‘Delft University of Technology?. – The logo should in no way be adapted, copied or altered...

Second Draft for the RPS Newsletter

Second experiment for the newsletter for RPS. The newsletter is supposedly to be printed on A4-size paper. On the backside is the monthly agenda. Still have to come out with the new logo for RPS. [front page] [back page] The design is far more simple than the first draft. Probably the front page’s layout have...

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