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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

New publications
ESPON policy brief ‘Cross-fertilisation of cohesion policy and spatial planning’ published!

ESPON policy brief ‘Cross-fertilisation of cohesion policy and spatial planning’ published!

The ESPON policy brief ‘Cross-fertilisation of cohesion policy and spatial planning’, prepared by a team of researchers at SP&S, European Policies Research Centre (EPRC), and Czech University of Life Science, has just been published. It is incumbent on governments at all levels to ensure that cohesion policy is efficient and helps deliver territorial cohesion. Spatial...
What we talk about when we talk (again) about Secondary Cities

What we talk about when we talk (again) about Secondary Cities

A new book is out with contributions from Rodrigo Cardoso (SPS, Urbanism) and Evert Meijers (Utrecht University, formerly TU Delft Urbanism) and it opens up wholly new ways of thinking about the secondary city experience in the Global North. Secondary cities “are intuitively obvious but empirically slippery”, claim the editors. They are the smaller cities...
Book review: Building Access, Universal Design and the Politics of Disability

Book review: Building Access, Universal Design and the Politics of Disability

Ceren Sezer reviewed Building Access, Universal Design and the Politics of Disability by Aimi Hamraie (2017, University of Minnesota press) for Built Environment. This book provides a critical analysis of the Universal Design from the historical, philosophical and the material perspectives in order to seek an answer to the question on how to make a more...
A new article on public life, immigrant amenities and socio-cultural inclusion in Amsterdam

A new article on public life, immigrant amenities and socio-cultural inclusion in Amsterdam

Ceren Sezer published a new article in Journal of Urban Design entitled Public life, immigrant amenities and socio-cultural inclusion: the presence and changes of Turkish amenities in Amsterdam. This article studies the presence of, and the changes in, immigrant amenities in the context of urban renewal processes as well as the implications of these changes in the...
New paper on Dutch national spatial planning

New paper on Dutch national spatial planning

Verena Balz and Wil Zonneveld have published a paper titled ‘Transformations of Planning Rationales: Changing Spaces for Governance in Recent Dutch National Planning’ in Planning Theory & Practice. The paper assesses spatial concepts outlined in Dutch national plans between 1988 and 2012. By focusing on the dimensions of concepts, and the room for interpretation these create,...
The institutional context and the ability to adapt to the growing flood risk in cities

The institutional context and the ability to adapt to the growing flood risk in cities

How do the features of national or regional governance systems affect the ability of cities to prepare for flooding that climate change will bring? This is the issue addressed in a new paper by Marcin Dąbrowski, just published in Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space.  It focuses on the Rotterdam / The Hague region and...
A new themed issue for the Built Environment: Public Space and Urban Justice

A new themed issue for the Built Environment: Public Space and Urban Justice

Matej Nikšič from the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia and Ceren Sezer prepared a new special issue for the journal of Built Environment themed “Public space and urban justice”. The issue brings together an international set of cases from Ankara, Amsterdam, Auckland, Beirut, Ljubljana and Medellin, which reflect on the question ”...
co-housing publications

co-housing publications

Two new books on co-housing in Europe have been published in November, both with a contribution from SPS researcher Lidewij Tummers: “The re-emergence of co-housing in Europe” (Routledge 2015) contains a contribution about the planning perspective on co-housing:  (contributions can also be found separately at the Journal of Urban Reseach and Policy) and: “Europe, co-operative...
Publication on co-housing

Publication on co-housing

In March 2015, a special issue on co-housing research was published by the Journal of Urban Research and practice: “Taking apart co-housing: Towards a long-term perspective of self-managed collaborative housing initiatives.” Guest editer is SPS colleague Lidewij Tummers and features 8 articles on research from different countries. Please find the contributions here: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rurp20/8/1   Please...
New book chapter in "OpenStreetMap in GIScience: Experiences, Research, Applications"

New book chapter in “OpenStreetMap in GIScience: Experiences, Research, Applications”

A new book chapter has been published by Jorge Gil in the book “OpenStreetMap in GIScience: Experiences, Research, Applications” , edited by Jokar Arsanjani, Zipf, Mooney and Helbich, for the Springer series “Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography”. Title: Building a Multimodal Urban Network Model Using OpenStreetMap Data for the Analysis of Sustainable Accessibility Abstract: This chapter presents...
Marcin Dąbrowski publishes a commentary on EU financial instruments for urban development in CritCom

Marcin Dąbrowski publishes a commentary on EU financial instruments for urban development in CritCom

In the context of a severe economic crisis and austerity, new ideas were put forward to reform cohesion policy to enhance its often-contested effectiveness and returns on investment. One of them were financial engineering instruments, such as the Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas (JESSICA) introduced during the 2007–2013 period, expected to...
New article in Geographical Analysis

New article in Geographical Analysis

A new article on “Analyzing the Configuration of Multimodal Urban Networks” has been published by Jorge Gil in Geographical Analysis. Abstract: This article proposes urban network models as instruments to measure urban form, structure, and function indicators for the assessment of the sustainable mobility of urban areas, thanks to their capacity to describe the detail of...

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