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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

New Territorialism
The Mother of all Euregios Under Pressure

The Mother of all Euregios Under Pressure

There are Euregios and there is EUREGIO. Consisting of 129 municipalities, homes to 3.4 million inhabitants, two thirds of whom in the Federal Republic and one third in The Netherlands, EUREGIO has been the first of its kind. European Territorial Cooperation, better known as INTERREG is a success. Testimony to its value, German fire engines...
Triumphant Territorialism?

Triumphant Territorialism?

Should there not be an exclamation mark instead? Is the air not filled with complaints about state governments not doing enough for their territories and citizens? But my argument is not against fiscal stimuli nor state investments and border controls. Rather, in ’Considering Border Issues’ on this website I compared them to flood gates to...
Territorialism Type II? by Andreas Faludi

Territorialism Type II? by Andreas Faludi

‘Under confinement we rediscover the strength of “proximate” solidarity in the family and amongst friend; we also rediscover the power of forms of national solidarity. The states, even those at the heart of the Schengen Area brutally close their borders in often precipitate and disorderly manner. We must not see this solely as nationalism of...

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