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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Session on regional design and governance re-scaling at the RSA annual conference

Session on regional design and governance re-scaling at the RSA annual conference

On 4-7 June 2017 the Regional Studies Association (RSA) 2017 Annual Conference has taken place in Dublin, Ireland, under the title ‘The Great Regional Awakening: New Directions’. A group of researchers from universities in several European countries (Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia) have been involved in the organization of a session on regional...
SPS in Jane Jacobs Walk with IHS "Urban Strategies and Planning" course

SPS in Jane Jacobs Walk with IHS “Urban Strategies and Planning” course

On Monday 16, SPS took part in a Jane Jacobs Walk with students from the course Urban Strategies and Planning of the IHS Erasmus Rotterdam. This course is led by Alexander Jachnow and taught by Alexandra Tsatsou and Magdalena Derdzikowska, among others. There were around 25 students of many nationalities, but mainly from the Global South. Young people from...
Rio’s Olympic Legacy: Missed opportunities Dr Roberto Rocco (TU Delft) Monday 2 May, 18.30 – 20.00 at the Erasmus University College

Rio’s Olympic Legacy: Missed opportunities Dr Roberto Rocco (TU Delft) Monday 2 May, 18.30 – 20.00 at the Erasmus University College

Rio’s Olympic Legacy: Missed opportunities Dr Roberto Rocco, TU Delft Monday 2 May, 18.30 – 20.00 Erasmus University College, Nieuwemarkt, 1A,  Rotterdam (next to Rotterdam Blaak Station) This lecture introduces the socio-political context in which the Rio 2016 Olympics will take place and addresses the limitations of the Olympic legacy for the city of Rio...
Rotterdam Urban Lectures: public lecture series on cities and urban issues

Rotterdam Urban Lectures: public lecture series on cities and urban issues

Rotterdam Urban Lectures Erasmus University College Erasmus University College is launching a new public lecture series on cities and urban issues. All are invited to attend. We have a program of distinguished scholars from the Netherlands and beyond who will be giving informative and accessible lectures aimed at stimulating debate and challenging some of the...
Atsufumi Yokoi, from Okayama University (Japan) visits SPS

Atsufumi Yokoi, from Okayama University (Japan) visits SPS

Atsufumi Yokoi, an alumno of the Department of Urbanism and the Complex Cities graduation studio, is special advisor to the President of Okayama University in Japan. Yoko got his degree in Urbanism in 2008 with work on an alternative mobility system for the city of Lusaka, in Zambia, guided by Roberto Rocco, Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado and Willem...
Third International Conference:  NEW URBAN LANGUAGES: TALES AND IMAGES OF SPATIAL JUSTICE (TU Delft 24-26 JUN 2015)

Third International Conference: NEW URBAN LANGUAGES: TALES AND IMAGES OF SPATIAL JUSTICE (TU Delft 24-26 JUN 2015)

The 3rd International Conference “New Urban Languages: Tales and Images of Spatial Justice” took place from June 24 to 26 2015 at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft (Bouwkunde). The Conference is a joint initiative of the Politecnico di Milano (Department of Architecture and Urban Studies), the Politecnica of...
Spatial Planning at iCities 2014 Conference at NCKU, Taiwan

Spatial Planning at iCities 2014 Conference at NCKU, Taiwan

In October 2014, NCKU hold the iCities  “Workshop on Workshop” – a special event devoted to the discussions of “workshops” “Workshop as we know is an educational activity with emerging significance in planning and design education. In the dictionary, workshop is defined as “a meeting at which a group of people engaging in intensive discussion...
Summer School Planning and Design with Water

Summer School Planning and Design with Water

Thirty-two Chinese and Taiwanese students have completed the programme of the 1st Summer School Planning and Design with Water, organised by the Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy (Vincent Nadin and Roberto Rocco) in partnership with the chair of Environmental Technology & Design of the TU Delft (Fransje Hooimeijer) and the Department of Urban Planning of...
100 students from the University of the West of England visit TUDelft

100 students from the University of the West of England visit TUDelft

On April 2, 105 students and a  number of teachers from the University of the West of England (UWE) have visited the Department of Urbanism of the TU Delft. The students were accompanied by Janet Askew, Marcus Grant, Adam Sheppard, Nicholas Smith and Nick Croft. They were received by Professor Vincent Nadin, who spoke about comparative...
UN Habitat HUB on Gender

UN Habitat HUB on Gender

On behalf of SP&S, Lidewij Tummers participated in the joint event to launch the UNI-Habitat Gender HUB in Madrid 20-21 January 2014. The event was co-funded by UN-Habitat, through the Capacity Unit and by COST, the Program for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, The objective of the event was threefold: 1) Launch the new...
Special panel at AESOP 2014: Planning Latin America

Special panel at AESOP 2014: Planning Latin America

AESOP 2014 Conference in Utrecht, The Netherlands July 9-12, 2014 Call for papers for a special panel in: Track 11: International Comparative Planning http://aesop2014.eu   Panel 1: Critical characterization of spatial planning/territorial management in Latin America: How is spatial planning conceived and enacted in Latin America? Panel organizers: Dr. Ana Maria Fernandez Maldonado, Dr. Roberto...
SAVE THE DATE: Working with waste for more sustainable cities: SCUPAD MAY 16-18 2014

SAVE THE DATE: Working with waste for more sustainable cities: SCUPAD MAY 16-18 2014

The next Salzburg Congress on Urban Planning and Development (SCUPAD) will take place in that Austrian city  from May 16 to 18 2014. Imagine cities where our current concepts of waste are thrown away, and instead we envision a city’s waste as resource. In our world, where scarcity and excess define the chasm between the...

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