Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Peter Paul Witsen new PhD candidate at SPS

Peter Paul Witsen new PhD candidate at SPS

The Netherlands again needs a Minister of Space. Many political parties go into elections with that intention and in the professional world the call for such a minister has never really died down. He or she should work with a plan, and that plan better be integral. But how do you do that, make an...
SPS welcomes Eva Purkarthofer

SPS welcomes Eva Purkarthofer

SPS welcomes Eva Purkarthofer who joined the section earlier this month. Eva has a 22-month position as a post-doctoral researcher financed by the LEaDing Fellows / Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND programme. She has a bachelor’s and master’s degree in spatial planning from Vienna University of Technology, and a PhD in spatial planning (‘Understanding Europeanisation from Within...
Look up recent Complex cities graduates!

Look up recent Complex cities graduates!

Planning Complex Cities graduations consider spatial planning and territorial governance schemes in regions, and investigate how these can be improved to achieve more sustainable spatial outcomes. Basic starting points in graduations are observations of disparities in the distribution of spatial resources across territories, in China, Europe or the Global South. Conclusions  recommend institutional change and demonstrate, by means...
Habermas comments.

Habermas comments.

Since Jürgen Habermas is an often quoted author in planning literature (argumentative, collaborative, communicative planning) and since many readers of this blog share an interest in European integration: take note of his recent remarks on negotiations with Greece, published in the Süddeutsche Zeitung on 22 June,  at this link.  The article is in German but has...
Urbanism students present in Taiwan

Urbanism students present in Taiwan

Presentations of Urbanism studio work by Wenchi Yang and Sebastiaan Huls made a big impact at the iCities conference at the National Cheng Kong University, Tainan, Taiwan in May. Their presentations on studio work from the IJssel-Vecht-Delta / Zwolle region and Sāo Paulo, Brazil raised by far the most questions and comments from the audience....
Comparing Apples and Oranges: international comparative planning

Comparing Apples and Oranges: international comparative planning

    Interest in international comparisons of the performance and planning of cities and regions has never been higher, though much international comparison raises as many questions as it answers. Are we comparing apples and oranges? Stuttgart and Dortmund Universities organised a colloquium under this banner, asking how we do we manage the great challenges...
Brenda Hunt, Area manager of the Eastern Docklands of Amsterdam, at the SPS Seminar Series

Brenda Hunt, Area manager of the Eastern Docklands of Amsterdam, at the SPS Seminar Series

Brenda Hunt is Area manager (Gebiedsmanager) for the Oostelijk Havengebied and the Science Park of Amsterdam (District  Oost). Brenda, together with colleague Peter Groenendaal, joined the SPS Seminar on February 20 2014 to talk about the activity of area manager, as conceived by the municipality of Amsterdam. As area manager, Brenda is  responsible for the areas...
500 members at SPS LindekIN Group!

500 members at SPS LindekIN Group!

Carolina Lima, a PhD Candidate from the Bauhaus University at Weimar (Germany) was the 500th person to join the LinkedIN group of Spatial Planning and Strategy. This is a great reason for celebration. As a THANK YOU present, we will send Carolina the book THE DUTCH METROPOLIS by professor Maurits de Hoog, a beautiful book...
Meeting our Taiwanese Alumni in Taipei!

Meeting our Taiwanese Alumni in Taipei!

Keats Lin, one of our Taiwanese Doctoral candidates, has organized a meeting between Vincent Nadin and Roberto Rocco and four Taiwanese SPS Alumni. These are Meiyen Chen, Shih-Hao Tseng (Tony), Shing Rong Wu (Sylvain) and YiChung Huang. The meeting happened in a restaurant operating in a historic Japanese house in Taipei. (Photos are available HERE)....
New Spatial Planning Chair Staff Poster for 2013

New Spatial Planning Chair Staff Poster for 2013

Here you can see the new staff poster for the Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy for the year 2013. All our staff is portrayed here, including our PhD candidates and visiting scholars. Please follow and like us:
Dominic Stead nominated to editorial board of 'European Planning Studies'

Dominic Stead nominated to editorial board of ‘European Planning Studies’

  In recognition of his scholarship and expertise in planning studies, Dominic Stead (associate professor of urban and regional planning) has been nominated as a new member of the editorial board of the journal European Planning Studies. The journal is a well-respected and firmly-established planning journal published by Taylor and Francis in cooperation with the...
Sebastião M.F. Bhatt, from the University of Lisbon, starts his collaboration with the Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy

Sebastião M.F. Bhatt, from the University of Lisbon, starts his collaboration with the Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy

Sebastião M.F. Bhatt is a PhD candidate in I.C.S.-University of Lisbon, and guest researcher at TU Delft. His research project entitled “Urban Governance under conditions of Globalization: Governance of large and medium-sized Urban Projects in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon” is supervised by João Seixas (ICS-UL) and Roberto Rocco (TU Delft). Sebastião’s doctoral research is...

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