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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Policy transfer
Interreg WaVE: Good Practices in valorisation of Water-linked heritage - putting stakeholder engagement at the centre.

Interreg WaVE: Good Practices in valorisation of Water-linked heritage – putting stakeholder engagement at the centre.

Our team has helped prepare a catalogue of good practices put forward by the WaVE project partners. This document brings together solutions in valorization of water-linked heritage from five European locations: the Municipality of Aarhus (DK), the Province of Alicante (ES), the Municipality of Breda (NL), Ister-Granum crossborder region (HU-SK) and the Municipality of Ravenna...
Video: Policy transfer, diffusion and translation in territorial governance and spatial planning in the Global South

Video: Policy transfer, diffusion and translation in territorial governance and spatial planning in the Global South

Online seminar: Policy transfer, diffusion and translation in territorial governance and spatial planning in the Global South Convenors: Francesca Blanc, Giancarlo Cotella (Politecnico di Torino), Marcin Dąbrowski (TU Delft)  26 October 2020   The seminar was organised jointly by planning scholars from DIST/POLITO and the Spatial Planning and Strategy section of the Department of Urbanism,...
New book chapters on planning policy transfer

New book chapters on planning policy transfer

A new book entitled “Knowledge, Policymaking and Learning for European Cities and Regions From Research to Practice” has been published by Edward Elgar. The book, edited by Nicola Francesco Dotti, provides theories, experiences, reflections and future directions for social scientists engaged with policy-oriented research in cities and regions.  Dominic Stead has co-authored two of the book’s chapters: Chapter 4:...
Regional Studies special issue on policy-transfer in regional development and planning, edited by M.Dąbrowski, I.Musiałkowska and L.Polverari

Regional Studies special issue on policy-transfer in regional development and planning, edited by M.Dąbrowski, I.Musiałkowska and L.Polverari

A special issue of Regional Studies on policy transfer is finally out both online and in print. It was edited by Marcin Dąbrowski, Ida Musiałkowska (Poznań University of Economics) and Laura Polverari (EPRC, University of Strathclyde). The initiative stemmed from a workshop organised at Urbanism, TU Delft, on policy transfer that was organised under the...
New paper on EU-China, EU-Brazil regional policy transfer published in Regional Studies

New paper on EU-China, EU-Brazil regional policy transfer published in Regional Studies

New paper by Marcin Dąbrowski, Ida Musiałkowska (Poznań University of Economics) and Laura Polverari (EPRC, University of Strathclyde) on the transfer of regional policy from the EU to China and to Brazil has just been published online in Regional Studies. The paper investigates the European Union (EU)–Brazil and EU–China regional policy dialogues, viewed as vectors...
Proposal for a Side Event- Habitat III Quito Ecuador, 17-20 October 2016.

Proposal for a Side Event- Habitat III Quito Ecuador, 17-20 October 2016.

  Proposal for a Side Event- Habitat III Quito Ecuador, 17-20 October 2016. Planning for Energy Efficient Cities in Latin America Organised by: Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado, senior researcher, Delft University of Technology, A.M.FernandezMaldonado@tudelft.nl Roberto Rocco, Assistant Professor, Delft University of Technology, r.c.rocco@tudelft.nl Number of participants: not limited. Language of discussion: Spanish. Building upon the European...
Planning the historic urban core

Planning the historic urban core

Spatial Planning at TU Delft has published the final summary report of a pilot project on urban planning for historic urban cores funded by the EU Joint Programming Initiative: Cultural Heritage. The report explains the impact of the urban planing reforms on the management of historic urban cores in three countries in north-west Europe. Planning...

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