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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Public Space
Call for Abstracts (Deadline: January 24, 2020) / Marketplaces: movement, representations and practices

Call for Abstracts (Deadline: January 24, 2020) / Marketplaces: movement, representations and practices

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – Deadline: January 24, 2020 Marketplaces: movement, representations and practices Editors Ceren Sezer / Delft University of Technology/ Delft, the Netherlands/ c.sezer@tudelft.nl Rianne van Melik / Radboud University / Nijmegen, the Netherlands / r.vanmelik@fm.ru.nl Theme In this edited book, we aim to explore everyday marketplaces as important urban spaces. Obviously these are...
Ceren Sezer is invited as a speaker by Cardiff University

Ceren Sezer is invited as a speaker by Cardiff University

Workshop of Knowledge Exchange between Research and Practice on ‘Public Space Design with Social Cohesion and Intercultural Dialogue in mind’ Date: Wednesday, 15 May 2019   10:00 – 15:20 Location: Cardiff University, John Percival Building, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU Organizers: Dr. Patricia Aelbrecht, Cardiff University  and Dr. Quentin Stevens, RMIT University, Australia Theme: Over the last two decades, societies...
New chapter: Immigrants' Integration and Social Cohesion in Amsterdam

New chapter: Immigrants’ Integration and Social Cohesion in Amsterdam

Ceren Sezer contributed to a book entitled  ‘Public Space Design and Social Cohesion: An International Comparison’ (Routledge) with a chapter on ‘Visibility of Turkish Amenities: Immigrants’ Integration and Social Cohesion in Amsterdam’. This book is edited by Patricia Aelbrecht (Cardiff University, UK) and Quentin Stevens (RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia) and available at this link. Abstract This...
A new article on public life, immigrant amenities and socio-cultural inclusion in Amsterdam

A new article on public life, immigrant amenities and socio-cultural inclusion in Amsterdam

Ceren Sezer published a new article in Journal of Urban Design entitled Public life, immigrant amenities and socio-cultural inclusion: the presence and changes of Turkish amenities in Amsterdam. This article studies the presence of, and the changes in, immigrant amenities in the context of urban renewal processes as well as the implications of these changes in the...
Re-learning public space / An action research event in Amsterdam / 28th - 30th June 2018

Re-learning public space / An action research event in Amsterdam / 28th – 30th June 2018

JOIN US in AMSTERDAM! Re-learning public space: an action-research event to develop an alternative city guide of Amsterdam (June 28-30, 2018). Participation is free of charge and deadline for registration is approaching: May 18, 2018. Further details: https://theurbanpublic.com . This event is organised by the AESOP Thematic Group Public Spaces and Urban Cultures in collaboration with the...
The Urbanisation of (In)justice - 16-18 May 2018 - The UN Buffer Zone in Nicosia

The Urbanisation of (In)justice – 16-18 May 2018 – The UN Buffer Zone in Nicosia

The University of Cyprus, Department of Architecture invites you to the annual meeting of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP)’s Thematic Group Public Spaces and Urban Cultures, which will take place in the United Nations Buffer Zone in Nicosia in the period between 16th and 18th May 2018. This meeting is organised in...
Remon Rooij publishes chapter on public space at Routledge

Remon Rooij publishes chapter on public space at Routledge

Together with former Delft master Urbanism student dr Anastasia Moiseeva and prof. Harry Timmermans, both from Eindhoven University, SPS staff member Remon Rooij co-authored a chapter called The Restructuring of Urban Public Space in the ‘Baltic Pearl’ in the Routledge book on Public Space – Between Reimagination and Occupation (Hristova & Czepczynski (eds)). This book...
Now available online!

Now available online!

A serie of essays on Public Space and Urban Justice that Matej Niksic (Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia) and Ceren Sezer (TU Delft) organized and co-edited  for the Built Environment is now available online. Taken together, these essays provide a useful guideline for the ways to study public space to promote urban justice...
A new themed issue for the Built Environment: Public Space and Urban Justice

A new themed issue for the Built Environment: Public Space and Urban Justice

Matej Nikšič from the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia and Ceren Sezer prepared a new special issue for the journal of Built Environment themed “Public space and urban justice”. The issue brings together an international set of cases from Ankara, Amsterdam, Auckland, Beirut, Ljubljana and Medellin, which reflect on the question ”...
Department of Urbanism Alumno's graduation project influences decision-making in Rio de Janeiro's Olympic Plan

Department of Urbanism Alumno’s graduation project influences decision-making in Rio de Janeiro’s Olympic Plan

Rio’s West Harbor Activation Plan  MSc. Rafael Saraiva Rafael Saraiva is an associate of MLA+ Architecture, Planning and Consulting, responsible for the company’s operations in Latin America. He graduated from TU Delft in 2010 with the thesis entitled “Innovation Backbone: a new economic zone in Rio de Janeiro’s urban voids”, where he analysed the area...
Call for abstracts: AESOP TG Public Spaces and Urban Cultures, Becoming Local Porto Meeting "Generative Places, Smart Approaches, Happy People"

Call for abstracts: AESOP TG Public Spaces and Urban Cultures, Becoming Local Porto Meeting “Generative Places, Smart Approaches, Happy People”

Join us in Porto for the AESOP TG  Becoming Local Porto Meeting “Generative Places, Smart Approaches, Happy People” 24th – 25th September, 2015 // Deadline for abstract submission:30 April 2015 Hosting Institution: Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto – PORTUGAL AESOP TG Representatives: Burcu Yigit Turan, Gabriella Esposito de Vita Keynote Speakers: Ali Madanipour – (University...
Call for abstracts : Built Environment Special Issue “Public Spaces and Urban Justice" (Deadline for abstracts: June 1, 2015)

Call for abstracts : Built Environment Special Issue “Public Spaces and Urban Justice” (Deadline for abstracts: June 1, 2015)

We are pleased to announce the special issue of the esteemed academic journal Built Environment on the topic of Public Spaces and Urban Justice. This special issue is edited by Matej Nikšič (Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Gabriel Pascariu (University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu, Bucharest, Romania), Ceren Sezer (Delft University...

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