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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Chapter on development of the Sponge City Programme in Guangzhou by Meng et al.

Chapter on development of the Sponge City Programme in Guangzhou by Meng et al.

Meng Meng, together with Marcin Dąbrowski, Faith Chan (Nottingham Ningbo University) and Dominic Stead published a chapter on the Sponge City programme in Guanghzou in a book edited by Adriana Galderisi and Andrea Colucci. The book is entitled “Smart, Resilience and Transition Cities. Emerging Approaches and Tools for a Climate-Sensitive Urban Development” and was published...
Special issue of Planning Perspectives on the history of European spatial planning

Special issue of Planning Perspectives on the history of European spatial planning

In a context where European integration is put into question, under the weight of external (migration, safety issues, economic) and centrifugal forces (Brexit, growing Euroscepticism), European spatial planning has been somewhat sidelined in the debates on the European Union’s goals, cohesion and future. Following a session organised at the IPHS conference in Delft in 2016,...
Regional Studies special issue on policy-transfer in regional development and planning, edited by M.Dąbrowski, I.Musiałkowska and L.Polverari

Regional Studies special issue on policy-transfer in regional development and planning, edited by M.Dąbrowski, I.Musiałkowska and L.Polverari

A special issue of Regional Studies on policy transfer is finally out both online and in print. It was edited by Marcin Dąbrowski, Ida Musiałkowska (Poznań University of Economics) and Laura Polverari (EPRC, University of Strathclyde). The initiative stemmed from a workshop organised at Urbanism, TU Delft, on policy transfer that was organised under the...
Look up recent Complex cities graduates!

Look up recent Complex cities graduates!

Planning Complex Cities graduations consider spatial planning and territorial governance schemes in regions, and investigate how these can be improved to achieve more sustainable spatial outcomes. Basic starting points in graduations are observations of disparities in the distribution of spatial resources across territories, in China, Europe or the Global South. Conclusions  recommend institutional change and demonstrate, by means...
Call for papers / Special issue 'The Politics of Visibility in Public Space' / Space and Culture / Sage Publications Inc. 

Call for papers / Special issue ‘The Politics of Visibility in Public Space’ / Space and Culture / Sage Publications Inc. 

CALL FOR PAPERS – Deadline September 16, 2018  ‘THE POLITICS OF VISIBILITY IN PUBLIC SPACE’  Special issue in Space and Culture (Sage Publications Inc.)  https://www.spaceandculture.com/2018/07/ Guest editors:  Ceren Sezer / Delft University of Technology, Urbanism, the Netherlands. Freek Janssens / University of Leeds, School of Geography, United Kingdom. Theme: The visibility of individuals or groups in...
Join the PICH Planning and Heritage Final Conference

Join the PICH Planning and Heritage Final Conference

Future conservation of the historic environment in Europe will be shaped by neoliberal inspired reforms of urban planning systems, but in uncertain ways. Just how is the subjectd of the PICH Final Conference that will be held at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology on Thursday 12 April. The...
Academic output, Spatial Planning group

Academic output, Spatial Planning group

As the year nears its end, the Spatial Planning and Strategy team can be proud of a wide range of academic activities and outputs during 2017, including journal articles, books, book chapters and conference papers. Topics include climate change, complexity theory, space syntax, regional design, co-housing, public space, water management, adaptation, macro-regional strategies, spatial planning,...
Remon Rooij publishes chapter on public space at Routledge

Remon Rooij publishes chapter on public space at Routledge

Together with former Delft master Urbanism student dr Anastasia Moiseeva and prof. Harry Timmermans, both from Eindhoven University, SPS staff member Remon Rooij co-authored a chapter called The Restructuring of Urban Public Space in the ‘Baltic Pearl’ in the Routledge book on Public Space – Between Reimagination and Occupation (Hristova & Czepczynski (eds)). This book...
co-housing publications

co-housing publications

Two new books on co-housing in Europe have been published in November, both with a contribution from SPS researcher Lidewij Tummers: “The re-emergence of co-housing in Europe” (Routledge 2015) contains a contribution about the planning perspective on co-housing:  (contributions can also be found separately at the Journal of Urban Reseach and Policy) and: “Europe, co-operative...
Publication: the power of places

Publication: the power of places

Georgiana Varna (University of Glasgow) and Ceren Sezer published an article entitled “the power of places” in a non-academic Scottish urbanism journal, Urban Realm. Thanks to the editor, John Glenday, for his invitation. For more information about Urban Realm: http://www.urbanrealm.com/features/512/The_Power_of_Place.html Please follow and like us:
Publication on co-housing

Publication on co-housing

In March 2015, a special issue on co-housing research was published by the Journal of Urban Research and practice: “Taking apart co-housing: Towards a long-term perspective of self-managed collaborative housing initiatives.” Guest editer is SPS colleague Lidewij Tummers and features 8 articles on research from different countries. Please find the contributions here: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rurp20/8/1   Please...
Marcin Dąbrowski publishes a commentary on EU financial instruments for urban development in CritCom

Marcin Dąbrowski publishes a commentary on EU financial instruments for urban development in CritCom

In the context of a severe economic crisis and austerity, new ideas were put forward to reform cohesion policy to enhance its often-contested effectiveness and returns on investment. One of them were financial engineering instruments, such as the Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas (JESSICA) introduced during the 2007–2013 period, expected to...

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