Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

SPS has a new publications platform with several publications by us!

SPS has a new publications platform with several publications by us!

You can visit our YUMPU PLATFORM to download articles and books published by members of Spatial Planning and Strategy. Please follow and like us:
Academic output, Spatial Planning group

Academic output, Spatial Planning group

As the year nears its end, the Spatial Planning and Strategy team can be proud of a wide range of academic activities and outputs during 2017, including journal articles, books, book chapters and conference papers. Topics include climate change, complexity theory, space syntax, regional design, co-housing, public space, water management, adaptation, macro-regional strategies, spatial planning,...
The potential for flood resilience of different planning systems compared: JUNE 6 10:00-12:00 Berlagezaal 1, BK

The potential for flood resilience of different planning systems compared: JUNE 6 10:00-12:00 Berlagezaal 1, BK

Cross Cutting Seminar: The potential for flood resilience of different planning systems compared: JUNE 6 10:00-12:00 Berlagezaal 1, BK (Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Julianalaan 134, Delft) Rising damages from flood events have led to a global call to stimulate flood resilience through spatial planning strategies. In 2015, Berke and colleagues developed a method...
SPS Seminar: Secondary yet metropolitan?, with Rodrigo Cardoso (OTB), TUESDAY April 18, 12:30 room BGWEST290

SPS Seminar: Secondary yet metropolitan?, with Rodrigo Cardoso (OTB), TUESDAY April 18, 12:30 room BGWEST290

We cordially invite all to attend the next SPS SEMINAR: Secondary yet metropolitan? The advantages and challenges of metropolitan integration for second-tier cities with Rodrigo Cardoso (OTB), TUESDAY April 18, 12:30 room BGWEST290 Faculty of Architecture, Julianalaan 134   Why metropolitan integration is both more important and more difficult for second-tier cities Do European second-tier...
Seminar 'Participatory City Making: How to Innovate Urban Public Services' by Emma Puerari: 30 March 12h30

Seminar ‘Participatory City Making: How to Innovate Urban Public Services’ by Emma Puerari: 30 March 12h30

An SPS Seminar by Emma Puerari Thursday March 30, 12h30-13h30 THINK ROOM at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (BK), Julianalaan 134, Delft. Abstract The desire of urban community groups to take greater control and responsibility for their own lives and neighbourhoods is a long-term fundamental trend. Citizens are increasingly teaming up in...
SPS Seminar: Climate change vulnerability and the urban poor, with Hanne van den Berg,  JAN 12, 2017, 12h30 BK

SPS Seminar: Climate change vulnerability and the urban poor, with Hanne van den Berg, JAN 12, 2017, 12h30 BK

Climate change vulnerability and the urban poor: Achieving climate justice through urban resilience strategies  A seminar by Hanne van den Berg, MSc MA “Even though climate change has an impact on most city dwellers, the urban poor are affected disproportionately as poverty remains a key contributing factor in vulnerability. This is due for instance to the...
TU Delft top of URAP urban planning rankings

TU Delft top of URAP urban planning rankings

TU Delft top of Urban Planning rankings The first international ranking in the topic of  ‘urban planning’ places TU Delft in first place. The University Ranking of Academic Performance prepared by METU is based on quality and quantity of scholarly publications and applies to the whole university. Therefore all publications in qualifying journals by TU Delft...
Simone Rots: The Squatted New Town: Modernism meets informality. March 31, THU, 12h30-13h30 room 01WEST060

Simone Rots: The Squatted New Town: Modernism meets informality. March 31, THU, 12h30-13h30 room 01WEST060

You are cordially invited to attend the Spatial Planning Seminar The Squatted New Town: Modernism meets informality. Venezuelan cases March 31, THU, 12h30-13h30 room 01WEST060 @Bouwkunde, Julianalaan 134, Delft By Simone Rots PhD candidate at the Delft University of Technology, faculty of Urbanism Researcher at The International New Town Institute (INTI) Keywords: New Town, Modern Movement,...
Department of Urbanism Alumno's graduation project influences decision-making in Rio de Janeiro's Olympic Plan

Department of Urbanism Alumno’s graduation project influences decision-making in Rio de Janeiro’s Olympic Plan

Rio’s West Harbor Activation Plan  MSc. Rafael Saraiva Rafael Saraiva is an associate of MLA+ Architecture, Planning and Consulting, responsible for the company’s operations in Latin America. He graduated from TU Delft in 2010 with the thesis entitled “Innovation Backbone: a new economic zone in Rio de Janeiro’s urban voids”, where he analysed the area...
Dana McKinney from GSD Harvard talks #spatial justice #equality #fairness to EMU_TUDelft  students

Dana McKinney from GSD Harvard talks #spatial justice #equality #fairness to EMU_TUDelft students

The Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy has had the honour to invite Dana McKinney to visit TU Delft and talk about race relations, spatial justice, equity and fairness in urban design and planning at the Urbanism and Landscape Week and to talk to students of the European Master of Urbanism @TU Delft. Dana McKinney is a fourth...
Stephen Read: Thinking Politics, Scale and Community in Shenzhen, THURSDAY 12 FEB, 2015, 12:30 1WEST290

Stephen Read: Thinking Politics, Scale and Community in Shenzhen, THURSDAY 12 FEB, 2015, 12:30 1WEST290

Stephen Read, Associate Professor at the Department of Urbanism of the TU Delft, presented his work on Thursday 12 FEB. Power, politics and community in Shenzhen   Shenzhen is a city that comprises 80% migrants with very few rights. Talking of power in the case of the dispossessed seems like a contradiction in terms. Nevertheless, occupancy...
Professor Susan Buckingham at BOUWKUNDE February 5th 12:30 : "Sex and the City: Why planning for climate change needs is a gender issue"

Professor Susan Buckingham at BOUWKUNDE February 5th 12:30 : “Sex and the City: Why planning for climate change needs is a gender issue”

On FEB 5, Professor Susan Buckingham presented her work on gender and climate change. Susan Buckingham is a feminist geographer whose main focus is on gender and environmental issues. Her teaching, research, and activist work are interlinked through a commitment to environmental and social justice. She has worked with academic and government institutions, as well as...

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