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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Stephen Read
Sharon Wohl PhD success

Sharon Wohl PhD success

  Sharon Wohl has successfully defended her thesis: Complex Adaptive Systems and Urban Morphogenesis. The panel were impressed with the work based on journal publications, and the thoughtful and robust answers to challenging questions. We thank the panel for their contribution to the promotion: Dr. Stephen Marshall, U College London; Prof. dr. Francis P. Heylighen,...
Stephen Read's "Cities as Infrastructures of Diversity": 14 JAN 12:30 BK

Stephen Read’s “Cities as Infrastructures of Diversity”: 14 JAN 12:30 BK

You are cordially invited to attend Stephen Read’s lecture “Cities as Infrastructures of Diversity”. The questions of migration and urban community provokes still more questions about what cities are for, why people come to them and what we should be doing to support and enable them. Are they victims of abstract power and entrenched interests,...
Stephen Read: Thinking Politics, Scale and Community in Shenzhen, THURSDAY 12 FEB, 2015, 12:30 1WEST290

Stephen Read: Thinking Politics, Scale and Community in Shenzhen, THURSDAY 12 FEB, 2015, 12:30 1WEST290

Stephen Read, Associate Professor at the Department of Urbanism of the TU Delft, presented his work on Thursday 12 FEB. Power, politics and community in Shenzhen   Shenzhen is a city that comprises 80% migrants with very few rights. Talking of power in the case of the dispossessed seems like a contradiction in terms. Nevertheless, occupancy...
Spatial Planning and Strategy gets an FP-7 project

Spatial Planning and Strategy gets an FP-7 project

The Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy and the OTB have won a bid for a FP7 project (FP7-energy-smartcities-2012) funded by the European Commission as partners with a number of municipalities and universities led by Eskilstuna in Sweden. The project will be called Planning for Energy Efficient Cities (PLEEC). It is worth 350 000 euros...

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