Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Student work
Visit the online exhibition 'Circular Southern Holland'!

Visit the online exhibition ‘Circular Southern Holland’!

We proudly present results of the Research & Design studio Spatial Strategies for the Global Metropolis, part of the MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences/Track Urbanism programme at Delft University of Technology in an online exhibition. The thematic focus of the 2020-2021 round of the studio was informed by an ambitious policy agenda that the...
Complex cities graduation: Upcoming presentations

Complex cities graduation: Upcoming presentations

Between 11-1-2018 and 23-1-2018 Complex cities graduation students present their thesis plans and preliminary research during the second assessment of their graduation projects. For the program and brief descriptions of their graduation topics, please see announcements on our dedicated complex cities website. An overview is provided here. Presentations can be attended. We invite all who have an...
Meet our recent Complex Cities graduates

Meet our recent Complex Cities graduates

In July 2017 many students have concluded their TU Delft MSc Urbanism curriculum. Among them are students that were part of the Complex cities graduation studio, led by researchers at Spatial Planning & Strategy. Students’ work exemplifies and contributes to research at this chair. It is worthwhile to consider projects, presented here. Please also take...
Upcoming event: Globalisation and local identity

Upcoming event: Globalisation and local identity

On the 28th of October, 14.00-16.00, room C at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, there will be a debate about globalisation and its impact on the local identity of cities. Illustrated by three cases over the world, different prepositions concerning the impact of globalisation on the local identities of cities will be discussed. Experts will...
Urbanism students present in Taiwan

Urbanism students present in Taiwan

Presentations of Urbanism studio work by Wenchi Yang and Sebastiaan Huls made a big impact at the iCities conference at the National Cheng Kong University, Tainan, Taiwan in May. Their presentations on studio work from the IJssel-Vecht-Delta / Zwolle region and Sāo Paulo, Brazil raised by far the most questions and comments from the audience....
Saba Golchehr, of the Complex Cities Studio, wins the Metten Stein Design and Urbanism Award

Saba Golchehr, of the Complex Cities Studio, wins the Metten Stein Design and Urbanism Award

The Metten Stein + Design Urbanisme Award 2012 The Knowledge Lab of Urbanism organized this year for the first time the Metten Stein + Design Urbanism Award. They hope this will be the beginning of a tradition. This Urban Planning Award is intended for students at HBO or WO colleges in the Netherlands. The key question of this...
Movie with TU Delft students at Winterschool Zuidas

Movie with TU Delft students at Winterschool Zuidas

Earlier in 2012, students of the Departments of Urbanism and Real Estate and Housing have participated in a Winter School organised by the Bureau Zuidas, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment of the Netherlands, and the Rotterdam Biennale of Architecture, coordinated by the Architectural Office Site UD of Amsterdam. The TU Delft students were...
Best Essays for the Methodology Course Published

Best Essays for the Methodology Course Published

The course Methodology for Urbanism AR2U090 is a 5 ects course given within the Masters programme of the Department of Urbanism of the TU Delft. This course is coordinated by the Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy and given in partnership with the Chair of Sustainable Metropolitan Design. The course tackles issues related to academic research...
Aart de Koning wins KIVI-NIRIA Cuperusprijs

Aart de Koning wins KIVI-NIRIA Cuperusprijs

We are very proud to announce that a former student of SPS won this prestigious prize and we congratulate him! The prize is given every two years to the best master thesis in the field of transport planning in the Netherlands. Aart de Koning conducted research into a new public transport system for the harbour...
Students presentations available in BLOG

Students presentations available in BLOG

The results of the 2nd assessment moment of the Masters of Urbanism, Complex Cities Graduation Studio is available at our BLOG. The presentations give an overview of the themes and methods being developed by students of the Graduation Studio and are available for download. Visit the Complex Cities Graduation Studio BLOG. Please follow and like...

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