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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

RSA Winter Conference: Call for abstracts on circular cities and regions

RSA Winter Conference: Call for abstracts on circular cities and regions

Marcin Dąbrowski, together with the RSA Policy Expo project partners, Karel van den Berghe (MBE, BK, TUD), Joanna Williams (Bartlett, UCL), and Ellen van Bueren (MBE, BK, TUD), organise a special session on circular cities and regions at the 2022 Regional Studies Association’s Winter Conference 2022 in London. Call for abstracts is now open: SS05:...
New article by Gregory Bracken

New article by Gregory Bracken

The new issue of the IIAS Newsletter (#92) has an article outlining my experiences as an editor: https://www.iias.asia/the-newsletter/article/editors-desk Please follow and like us:
Gregory Bracken's article on Asian cities

Gregory Bracken’s article on Asian cities

A review article by Gregory Bracken was published in the Journal of Urban History (in February): ‘Asian Cities: Armature, Enclave, Heterotopia’: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00961442211026277 Please follow and like us:
A Bullet Misses Its Target in Sarajevo…, a text by Andreas Faludi

A Bullet Misses Its Target in Sarajevo…, a text by Andreas Faludi

Thus opens the blurb of ‘Altered Pasts’. (Evans 2014) The same counterfactual – Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand surviving to succeed Franz Joseph to the Austrian-Hungarian throne is what ‘Der Komet’ (The Comet; Stein 2013) is about. Engaging in our friendly barter, Klaus Kunzmann has made me read this scenario of cultural and linguistic communities cohabiting...
Interreg WaVE: Good Practices in valorisation of Water-linked heritage - putting stakeholder engagement at the centre.

Interreg WaVE: Good Practices in valorisation of Water-linked heritage – putting stakeholder engagement at the centre.

Our team has helped prepare a catalogue of good practices put forward by the WaVE project partners. This document brings together solutions in valorization of water-linked heritage from five European locations: the Municipality of Aarhus (DK), the Province of Alicante (ES), the Municipality of Breda (NL), Ister-Granum crossborder region (HU-SK) and the Municipality of Ravenna...
'The Shanghai Lilong: Approaches to Rehabilitation and Reuse' by Gregory Bracken

‘The Shanghai Lilong: Approaches to Rehabilitation and Reuse’ by Gregory Bracken

The Newsletter 87. Click on the image or follow the link below to access the document. Please follow and like us:
Environmental Migration, new article by Sharma, Bracken and Balz.

Environmental Migration, new article by Sharma, Bracken and Balz.

Environmental Migration and Regional Livelihood Planning: A Livelihood Planning Approach to Circular Migration Asmeeta Das Sharma, Gregory Bracken, Verena Balz Environmental Justice, Vol. 13, No. 5 https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/env.2020.0010 Please follow and like us:
Writing your first academic article - RSA professional development webinar with Marcin Dąbrowski and Sarbina Lai

Writing your first academic article – RSA professional development webinar with Marcin Dąbrowski and Sarbina Lai

  Marcin Dąbrowski will present some top tips about publishing academic papers for early career researchers. It will be helpful for the PhD candidates and TU Delft Urbanism master students willing to publish a paper on the basis of their thesis research. Join us!   RSA Webinar Professional Development Webinar Series – Writing Skills: Writing...
New article in IIAS Newsletter 86 (summer 2020)

New article in IIAS Newsletter 86 (summer 2020)

New article by Gregory Bracken in IIAS Newsletter 86 (summer 2020) https://www.iias.asia/the-newsletter/article/shanghai-lilong-new-concept-home-china   Please follow and like us:


BLOXHUB SUMMER SCHOOL ON URBAN RESILIENCE : 12-19 SEPT 2019 In COPENHAGEN. The summer school will bring together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, during an intensive eight days course from 12-19 September 2019 in Copenhagen. The summer school aims at providing multi-disciplinary knowledge and perspectives on the different global and local challenges in cities of the...
'The Poverty of Territorialism', a book by Andreas Faludi, in the News

‘The Poverty of Territorialism’, a book by Andreas Faludi, in the News

The first, long and thoughtful – and gratefully (very) positive – review has been published. See: Zaucha, J. (2018) Book Review: The Poverty of Territorialism. A Neo-Medieval View of Europe and European Planning. Europa XXI, vol. 35, 2018, pp. 127-131. Reading it, I was gasping. Jacek Zaucha succeeded in summing it all, including the dilemmas...
Encyclopedia Article

Encyclopedia Article

Gregory Bracken has written an entry on ‘The Forbidden City’ in the new Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies; their homepage is: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781118568446 Please follow and like us:

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