Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Visiting students
Students and teachers of L'École Spéciale d'Architecture de Paris visit TU Delft

Students and teachers of L’École Spéciale d’Architecture de Paris visit TU Delft

A group of 70 students and 10 teachers of the École Spéciale d’Architecture de Paris (ESA) visited Bouwkunde in September 2016. The visit was organised by Dr. Marta Mendonça, a PhD from TU Delft who now teaches at ESA, and Roberto Rocco. The group included Professor Marc Vaye, pedagogical coordinator of ESA, and Michael Koller, guest teacher...
UCL Planning students on a visit to Bouwkunde

UCL Planning students on a visit to Bouwkunde

A group of students and staff from the Bartlett School of Planning (UCL) led by Ben Clifford (course director)  visited the section of Spatial Planning of the TU Delft on FEB 16, 2016. The group composed by 30 students and 3 staff members was introduced to the Department of Urbanism and had lectures on the Spatial Structure of the Randstad (by...
Dana McKinney from GSD Harvard talks #spatial justice #equality #fairness to EMU_TUDelft  students

Dana McKinney from GSD Harvard talks #spatial justice #equality #fairness to EMU_TUDelft students

The Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy has had the honour to invite Dana McKinney to visit TU Delft and talk about race relations, spatial justice, equity and fairness in urban design and planning at the Urbanism and Landscape Week and to talk to students of the European Master of Urbanism @TU Delft. Dana McKinney is a fourth...
Summer School Planning and Design with Water

Summer School Planning and Design with Water

Thirty-two Chinese and Taiwanese students have completed the programme of the 1st Summer School Planning and Design with Water, organised by the Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy (Vincent Nadin and Roberto Rocco) in partnership with the chair of Environmental Technology & Design of the TU Delft (Fransje Hooimeijer) and the Department of Urban Planning of...

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