One of the arenas for transfer – high level EU-China seminars on regional policy (Photo: DG Regio)

New paper by Marcin Dąbrowski, Ida Musiałkowska (Poznań University of Economics) and Laura Polverari (EPRC, University of Strathclyde) on the transfer of regional policy from the EU to China and to Brazil has just been published online in Regional Studies.

The paper investigates the European Union (EU)–Brazil and EU–China regional policy dialogues, viewed as vectors of cross-national policy transfer. Regional policy is considered as having limited transfer potential due to its inward orientation, context specificity and complexity. Yet, knowledge exchange and voluntary policy transfer have taken place between the EU and Brazil and between the EU and China since the mid-2000s. The study investigates and compares actors, motivations, mechanisms of transfer, conditioning factors and types of outcomes, shedding a light on the under-researched phenomenon of international policy transfer in regional policy.

The paper is part of a forthcoming special issue of the journal on policy transfer in regional policy and urban planning, so stay tuned for more news on this.

The article “EU–China and EU–Brazil policy transfer in regional policy” is available here:

Please take a look.

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